Chapter 5: The Unseen

The first rays of the morning sun painted the city in hues of gold and orange, signaling a new day. This was a sight that Ren Higurashi, standing on the balcony of his apartment, had seen countless times. But today, it was different. It was like he was seeing the world for the first time, or rather, he was seeing more of the world.

He wasn't alone in this observation. Jiro was standing next to him, a cup of hot coffee in his hands. He looked at Ren, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. He had seen his friend change overnight, literally. From being a simple con artist, Ren was now a bona fide medium, able to see and communicate with spirits.

The change was profound and yet, Ren had taken it in stride, accepting his fate with a newfound sense of responsibility. It was overwhelming, but Ren was managing, learning, adapting, and growing with each passing moment. He was becoming more and more attuned to the ethereal side of the world.

"I can hear them," Ren murmured, his eyes fixed on the bustling cityscape beneath them. "Their voices, their cries, their whispers. It's like a symphony that only I can hear."

Jiro took a sip from his cup, pondering his friend's words. He had seen Ren handle the spirits during the seance but experiencing it firsthand was something else. "And... can you control it?" He asked tentatively.

"I'm learning," Ren answered, giving his friend a small smile. He then turned his gaze towards the horizon, as if trying to decipher the unseen.

Just then, a shrill, gut-wrenching cry echoed in his ears, causing him to wince. The cup in Jiro's hand trembled, a few droplets of coffee spilling over the edge. He looked at Ren, concern etched on his face. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Ren took a deep breath, steadying himself. His gaze was fixated on a particular building in the distance. A dark, shadowy figure was hovering above it, almost like a menacing storm cloud.

"That," he said, pointing towards the building, "is our first case, Jiro."

Jiro looked at the direction Ren was pointing. He couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. No dark shadow, no spirit, nothing. "How do you know?" he asked, trying to understand his friend's cryptic statement.

Ren turned to Jiro, his eyes glowing with determination. "Because it's calling for me." He declared, an air of confidence surrounding him. This was his destiny, and he was ready to embrace it.

After that morning on the balcony, Ren and Jiro spent the rest of the day preparing for their first official case as exorcists. Despite his doubts and anxieties, Jiro chose to stand by his friend. He had seen the transformation with his own eyes. He believed in Ren, even if he couldn't comprehend the full scope of what was happening.

Throughout the day, Ren honed his newfound abilities, focusing on the strange, invisible energies around him. It was like learning a new language. The spirits were communicating with him, whispering their secrets, their regrets, their anger. They told tales of lives cut short, of dreams unfulfilled, of desires unmet.

Ren listened. He tried to understand. He felt their pain, their desperation, and sometimes, their malice. Not all spirits were benign, and not all messages were pleas for help. There were threats, and there were warnings.

That evening, as dusk bathed the city in an ethereal glow, Ren and Jiro ventured towards the building that Ren had sensed earlier. It was an old, decrepit structure, long abandoned. Its windows were shattered, and its walls were covered in layers of dust and grime.

There was an oppressive air about the place, a sense of foreboding that made the hair on the back of Jiro's neck stand up. He swallowed, glancing nervously at Ren. "Are you sure about this, Ren?"

Ren paused, a far-off look in his eyes. "Yes," he replied, his voice steady. "This is where I'm needed."

Jiro nodded, his grip tightening on the bag of exorcism tools he was carrying. He didn't have Ren's powers or his insight, but he was determined to support his friend, whatever it took.

They stepped into the building, the echo of their footsteps loud in the eerie silence. Ren could sense the spirit, its presence strong and demanding. He could hear it whispering, its voice a mixture of anger and despair.

It was time to face his first real test as an exorcist.

Venturing deeper into the dilapidated structure, Ren could sense the spirit's energy growing stronger, pulsating through the air like a heartbeat. The murmurs of despair and anger became a roar in his ears.

"Jiro," Ren began, glancing back at his friend. The words were barely above a whisper, but Jiro heard him nonetheless.


"Stay close, but remember, let me handle this."

The apprehension was clear in Jiro's face, but he nodded. The trust between them was palpable; they knew they could rely on each other in the face of the unknown. As they moved further into the darkness, the eeriness of the building seemed to close in on them.

The temperature dropped suddenly, their breath visible in the cold air. A cold wind blew through the broken windows, causing the old wooden boards to creak ominously. Ren could feel it, the spirit's agitation, its fury. It knew they were there.

A loud crash echoed through the space as a pile of old furniture in the corner toppled over on its own. Jiro jumped, but Ren merely straightened, focusing his senses on the spirit. It was trying to scare them, drive them out, but Ren was not deterred.

Drawing in a deep breath, Ren reached out with his senses, connecting with the unseen entity. He could feel its pain, its loss, its unfulfilled desires. He could understand why it was angry, why it was lashing out. It was trapped in its own torment, unable to move on.

"I'm here to help you," Ren said, his voice echoing in the silence. The spirit's angry whispers faded into stunned silence at his words.

Ren knew then that he was not just an exorcist. He was a bridge between the living and the dead, a beacon for the lost spirits. He was their hope, their chance at finding peace.

And as he stood there, his body wreathed in the soft glow of his spiritual energy, Ren Higurashi knew that he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

The spirit didn't respond, instead swirling around them, an invisible force of raw emotion. Ren could feel it trying to probe into his mind, reading his intentions. It found no deceit, no ill will, only genuine willingness to help.

"Release your anger," Ren commanded, his voice strong and steady in the chilling silence, "Let go of your pain. It's time to move on."

The atmosphere around them shifted, the chaotic energy seeming to hold its breath. Then, with a guttural cry that echoed through the warehouse, the spirit lunged at Ren, a last desperate attempt to protect itself.

Ren stood his ground, his aura flaring as he held up a hand. An invisible barrier formed in front of him, a shield of spiritual energy that repelled the spirit's attack. There was a moment of silence, then the spirit let out a mournful wail, the sound echoing around the empty warehouse.

In the eerie quiet that followed, Ren extended a hand towards where he sensed the spirit. He could feel its pain, its fear. It was lost, and alone. It was scared. And it needed his help.

"Come with me," Ren said softly, "I can help you find peace."

Slowly, hesitantly, the spirit moved towards him, its energy swirling around his outstretched hand. He could feel the icy cold of its presence, the heavy burden of its existence. With a final sigh, it seemed to collapse onto itself, pouring its energy into Ren's waiting grasp. The chill spread up his arm, a frigid burn that signified the spirit's acceptance of his command.

The energy inside him swirled, resonating with the power of Baal, accepting the spirit, and asserting dominance over it. The spirit resisted, but the power within Ren was stronger, more resolute. The icy chill in his spine began to subside, replaced by a sense of control, as the spirit's fear and pain began to wane. But was he supposed to do this? Something is not right. Seems like Baals power within himself resisting part of the chant and what happened just now? Did he just banished the sprit? What actually happened?

Ren dropped his hand, the remnants of the spirit's energy dissipating into the air. His body felt heavy, the adrenaline beginning to wear off. He looked back to see Jiro staring at him, eyes wide with awe and fear.

"Did... did you do it?" Jiro asked, his voice wavering slightly.

Ren nodded, a small, tired smile on his face. "I did."

He didn't just exorcise a spirit. He had dominated it, forced it to submit to his will, and with Baal's power within him, he had banished it. As he walked out of the warehouse, Ren couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. This was his destiny, the path he was meant to walk.