Chapter 10: A Rival Appears

Ren walked down the street, his shoulders slumped from a restless night. His body still ached from the intense exorcism he had performed with Yuna, and the memory of their encounter was still fresh in his mind. Despite the fatigue, he couldn't help but chuckle at Jiro's non-stop chatter as they strolled towards their favorite ramen shop.

"Man, Ren," Jiro laughed, nudging his elbow into Ren's side, "you looked like a wreck yesterday. That lady exorcist sure knows how to wear you down, huh?"

Ren shot him a dry look, "You have no idea, Jiro."

While he appreciated Jiro's attempts to lighten his mood, Ren's mind kept wandering back to the discussion he had with Yuna. The lustful spirit from the Heian era that Yuna had spoken of seemed like a formidable opponent. And, in just a few days, he would be facing it alongside her. But for now, he needed to recharge and prepare.

As the duo entered the ramen shop, a familiar face caught Ren's eye. A girl around his age, with strikingly short red hair, was seated at the far corner of the shop, engrossed in a book. It wasn't her hair that caught his attention though. It was the peculiar talisman hanging around her neck.

'Could she be...?' He thought to himself. His gaze shifted to Jiro, who was already making his way towards the counter, completely oblivious to the girl's presence.

His thoughts were interrupted by the girl's piercing gaze. "Can I help you?" She asked, a hint of irritation in her voice.

"No... I just..." Ren stuttered, caught off guard.

"Are you an exorcist?" She interrupted, staring at him intensely.

Taken aback, Ren nodded, "Yes, I am."

A smug smile spread across her face, "Interesting. I'm Mika."

Ren extended his hand towards the girl, "I'm Ren Higurashi."

Mika didn't shake his hand. Instead, she smirked, her eyes scanning him from head to toe. "Higurashi, huh? You're the one everyone's been talking about."

"Everyone?" Ren quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh yes," Mika leaned back, resting her arms on the back of her seat. "You're quite popular in the exorcist circles these days, Ren Higurashi. New guy, unexpected power, mysterious charm - the works."

"Mysterious charm?" Ren laughed, trying to hide his discomfort. "That's a new one."

Mika shrugged, her smile unwavering. "So, how do you do it? Do you just walk up to a spirit and charm it into submission?"

Ren blinked at her, taken aback by her directness. He was about to respond when Jiro sauntered back, bowls of ramen in his hands. He froze when he spotted Mika.

"Whoa, who's this, Ren?" Jiro's eyes lit up as he took in Mika's striking appearance. "And how come you're hogging all the attention?"

"Mika," Ren gestured towards her. "And Jiro," he pointed at his friend, "She's an exorcist."

Jiro almost dropped his ramen. "An exorcist? You mean like you?"

"Yes, like me," Ren replied, a slight annoyance creeping into his tone. He wasn't exactly thrilled about discussing his 'job' while he was trying to enjoy a peaceful meal.

"Interesting," Jiro mumbled, setting down the ramen and pulling up a chair. "So, Mika, how did you end up in this line of work?"

Mika sighed, looking from Jiro to Ren and back. "Well," she began, leaning forward, "It's not exactly a boring story."

"I grew up around witchcraft," Mika started, stirring her drink absentmindedly. "My mom was a fortune teller, and my grandma was a witch."

Jiro's eyes went wide, "A witch? Like, a real witch?"

"Real as they come," Mika said with a smirk, "She taught me everything she knew. How to read cards, how to use herbs, how to see spirits."

"And how did you go from that to exorcism?" Ren asked, genuinely curious. He'd met a handful of exorcists by now, but none with a background quite like Mika's.

"Well," Mika paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, "My grandma always used to say that spirits are just like us - they have their good and bad. Some of them need help, just like people do. And who better to help them than someone who can see and communicate with them?"

"But there are exorcists who have that ability," Ren pointed out.

Mika shrugged, "True, but they rarely have the knowledge of witchcraft. And you'd be surprised how useful that can be when dealing with spirits."

Ren could imagine. His own encounters with spirits had proven that the traditional methods of exorcism weren't always effective. Maybe this was why Mika was here - she could provide a different perspective, a new way of dealing with spirits.

Suddenly, Ren was eager to learn more about her methods. But before he could ask, Mika stood up, sliding her chair back.

"It's been fun, boys," she said, grinning, "But I've got to run. Witches don't pay the bills, after all."

Jiro blurted out, "What? Um....I mean ... No...Wait, so you'll be back?"

Mika winked at him, "Maybe. If Ren here doesn't scare away all the spirits before I get a chance."

And with that, she was gone, leaving Ren and Jiro to their ramen and a multitude of unanswered questions.

"Jeez, that was… something," Jiro said, scratching the back of his head as he stared after Mika.

Ren couldn't help but laugh at the stunned expression on Jiro's face. "Never met a witch come exorcist before, huh?"

"Well, no," Jiro admitted, rubbing his neck. "Not one as hot as her, at least."

"She's not just a pretty face," Ren cautioned, his tone serious. "She's an exorcist, like me. We shouldn't underestimate her."

Jiro shook his head, grinning widely. "Man, between you, Yuna, and now Mika, my life has become like an anime plot. When did things get so weird?"

Ren snorted, almost choking on his ramen. He had to agree. If someone had told him a few months ago that he'd be dealing with spirits, he'd have laughed in their face. And yet, here he was, trying to digest the fact that his once monotonous life had taken such a dramatic turn.

"Guess you've just got to roll with it," Ren said finally, finishing up his meal. "And keep that charm of yours in check, okay? We don't need any more complications."

"Charm?" Jiro feigned innocence, holding a hand over his heart. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Ren laughed again, shaking his head. Despite the sudden influx of spirits, witches, and exorcists, he had to admit there was never a dull moment with Jiro around. And for that, he was grateful.

As they paid their bills and left the restaurant, Ren couldn't help but feel a certain anticipation for the days to come. With Yuna and Mika in the picture, life was bound to get even more interesting.

Back at his apartment, Ren couldn't help but feel restless. Mika's sudden appearance and declaration had taken him by surprise. She had a spark, an energy that was at once captivating and intimidating.

As he was absorbed in his thoughts, the door swung open and Chiyo strolled in, an amused grin on her face. "So, you've got another pretty girl on your trail now, huh?"

Ren jumped at her sudden appearance. "Chiyo! Don't you know how to knock?"

Chiyo chuckled, dismissing his comment with a wave of her hand. "No need for formalities. Anyway, what's this I hear about a witch?"

"Yeah, she is," Ren said, rubbing his temple. "And that makes things more complicated."

"How so?"

Ren hesitated before answering, "Well, Yuna already asked me for help with a spirit problem. Now Mika comes in.

Chiyo nodded, her expression softening. "I can see how that might be a bit overwhelming. But remember, Ren, you're not alone in this."

Ren looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "Are you offering to help, Chiyo?"

"In a way," she replied with a smirk. "Think about it. You have allies. You have friends. You have... well, a witch who seems interested in you. You're stronger than you think."

Ren couldn't help but laugh at that. "I'm not sure if having a witch 'interested' in me is a good thing or not."

Chiyo chuckled, standing up from the couch and heading towards the door. "Only time will tell, Ren. Only time will tell."

As Chiyo left, Ren was alone again in his apartment, his mind swirling with thoughts of the challenges to come. He was the vessel of Baal, an exorcist of spirits, and now it seemed, a magnet for trouble. But despite it all, he felt an odd sense of exhilaration.

Perhaps it was the prospect of a new rival in Mika, or the promise of an adventure with Yuna, but whatever it was, Ren couldn't deny that he was excited for what was to come.