Chapter 14: The Haunted Child

As the sun began its descent into the horizon, the park was bathed in a warm, golden hue. Ren found solace in these quiet walks, a peaceful interlude amid the chaos of his life as an exorcist. The park, mostly empty at this hour, held a serene charm, the faint sounds of distant city life providing a soothing hum. The scent of the nearby cherry blossoms brought a sense of calm, as Ren strolled around, lost in thought.

His tranquility, however, was short-lived. A prickling sensation ran down his spine, a feeling he was all too familiar with. His casual strides faltered, and he stood still, scanning his surroundings. The park was sparsely populated, only a handful of joggers and elderly folks enjoying the cool evening air.

Then he saw it—a flickering spectral figure near an old swing set, desperation etched on its transparent visage. The figure was faint, almost mist-like, yet the distress it emanated was palpable. Ren felt a jolt of energy originating from his core, the mysterious purple aura responding to the spirit's call for help.

Stepping forward, Ren addressed the spirit, "You seem troubled. Can I assist you in any way?"

The spirit flickered, turning its translucent gaze toward Ren. " child...he's been targeted by a banshee," it said, the spectral voice barely a whisper yet filled with despair.

Ren's heart tightened. A banshee. A formidable foe, capable of inflicting serious harm. "Why didn't you protect him?" Ren asked. It was a blunt question, but he needed to understand the situation better.

"I tried…" the spirit replied, its form shimmering with an ethereal sob. "But it's too strong for me. I failed... and now I fear my child's life is in danger."

The sorrow that radiated from the spirit seemed to hang heavily in the air around them. Ren swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of the situation. This was no ordinary task. A child's life hung in the balance and time was running short. He needed to act, and fast.

The spirit nodded and swiftly took off towards a row of dilapidated houses lined across the park. Ren followed suit, breaking into a run to keep up with the spectral figure. As they wove through the labyrinth of streets, Ren felt his anxiety rising. The safety of people was paramount to him, and in this case, the child's life was in his hands. He felt the weight of this responsibility as he bolted down the alleys, the echo of his footsteps merging with the night's silence.

They finally arrived at a small, shabby house. Its peeling paint, creaky wooden door, and poorly maintained garden all suggested that its residents were struggling financially. The spirit paused outside the door, gesturing for Ren to go inside.

But before he entered, he called out to the inhabitants of the house, reassuring them about his intentions. A woman, presumably the mother, came out. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, her hands trembling. Ren's heart ached at the sight, but he put on a brave face.

"I'm here to help," he said softly. "But for your safety, please stay outside while I deal with the situation."

With a curt nod, Ren stepped into the house. He could immediately feel a cold chill seeping into his bones, a sure sign of a banshee's presence. The once inviting living room was now bathed in an unnatural, eerie glow, the darkness seeming to pulsate with a life of its own.

And then, it appeared.

The banshee was as terrifying as the stories painted it to be. Its long, matted hair framed a face that was grotesquely distorted, the mouth pulled wide in a silent scream. Its eyes glowed an eerie green, full of malevolence and hatred. Its long, bony fingers ended in razor-sharp claws, and it wore a tattered, dirt-stained dress.

Ren's heart pounded in his chest as he took in the horrific sight, but he pushed down his fear. He had a job to do. His aura flared up, wrapping him in its protective warmth, and he squared off against the banshee. This would be a dangerous battle.

With the terrible wailing of the banshee filling his ears, Ren's gaze remained unflinching. He felt a surge of the strange purple aura, similar to Baal's sinister black energy. This energy felt more protective, as if shielding him.

"Banshee, your reign of terror ends now!" Ren declared with conviction. His voice echoed through the room, unfaltering even as the banshee shrieked in response.

Reaching into his pocket, he took out a small bottle. It was no ordinary container but one he'd infused with his newfound purple aura, a vessel meant for trapping spirits. As he held the bottle before him, its surface sparkled with a mesmerizing purple light.

But the banshee wouldn't be caught so easily. Letting out an ear-piercing scream, it lunged at Ren, its claws bearing down on him. He barely managed to sidestep, the banshee's swipe missing him by a hair's breadth.

His heart pounding, Ren knew he couldn't afford to hesitate. Channeling his energy, he cast "Baal's Hex," a spell of immobilization. But to his dismay, the banshee resisted, struggling against the confines of the spell.

With a sense of urgency, Ren recited the words of "Baal's Wrath," hoping to subdue the banshee. But even this seemed to falter against the Banshee's might and the Banshee resisted it.

Having exhausted his options, Ren knew it was time for a final desperate gamble. Focusing his purple aura into the bottle, he combined "Baal's Hex" and "Baal's Wrath," creating a spiraling vortex within the vessel.

With a forceful yell, he pointed the bottle towards the banshee, and the vortex erupted forth, pulling the banshee towards it. The banshee let out a final agonizing scream before it was entirely sucked into the bottle, the lid sealing itself shut.

With a sigh of relief, Ren slid down against the wall, clutching the now silent bottle. His heart was still pounding, adrenaline slowly ebbing away. He had done it. The banshee was captured, and the child was safe. But the night was far from over.

The silence in the room was almost deafening following the banshee's shrieking wails. Sweat trickled down Ren's brow as he drew in ragged breaths, the adrenaline from the encounter slowly wearing off. He looked towards the little boy who was now quiet and still. The child's face was pale, but his eyes were open, a clear sign of life.

"Are you alright?" Ren asked gently, moving over to the boy. He received a timid nod in response.

Feeling a surge of relief, Ren stood up and made his way towards the door. The mother was standing there, a mix of hope and fear etched on her face. He gave her a reassuring smile. "He's safe now. The banshee won't bother him anymore."

Overwhelmed, the mother burst into tears of relief, thanking Ren profusely as she rushed inside to her son's side. It was heartwarming to witness, but Ren knew he had other matters to attend to. The good spirit awaited him outside.

As he stepped out into the night, the spirit appeared once again, its ethereal form flickering gently under the moonlight. "Thank you, Exorcist," it said, a touch of warmth in its otherwise cold voice. "You've saved my child."

Ren nodded, exhaustion starting to creep into his bones. "I'm glad I could help. It's my duty."

"In gratitude, I want to guide you to something," the spirit said. "There is an antique shop nearby. They have a bracelet that once belonged to an ancient exorcist. It offers protection from illusions and mind control and if anytime you need me, just call my true name "Tappos", I will be there.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," Ren said, surprised but grateful for the unexpected boon. Moreover by giving his true name to Ren, he proved that he now trusts Ren and Ren can now summon him.

Under the spirit's guidance, Ren made his way to the small antique shop. The shop owner, an elderly man with a kind face, didn't bat an eyelid at the late hour. The bracelet, when presented, was a simple silver band adorned with tiny etchings. It seemed ordinary, but Ren could feel a distinct energy radiating from it.

"Only two thousand yen," the shopkeeper said, seemingly oblivious to the bracelet's true value.

Ren exchanged the money without a second thought and left the shop, the bracelet now resting on his wrist. Any exorcist or witch will pay million for it. A sense of peace washed over him as he walked home, feeling the distinct aura of his new accessory and contemplating the strange events of the night.

As he finally made it back to his apartment, the first rays of dawn were breaking. A quick glance at the bracelet on his wrist served as a reminder of the night's events - a haunted child saved, a powerful banshee captured, and a good spirit's gratitude. He wasn't sure what the future held for him, but he was ready to face it head-on, equipped with his newfound power and a magical artifact.