Chapter 16: The Awakening (A Mysterious Request)

The dark room in Ayako's old house was still, the only sound being the faint whisper of the wind outside. Ren and Jiro, both slightly out of breath, glanced at each other. The mirror hanging on the wall seemed to pulsate with an eerie energy. The ancient spirit trapped within it, Sarobila, had just recounted a tale that was beyond their wildest imaginations.

As the pair turned to leave the room, Ren suddenly felt a tingling sensation at the back of his neck, like an invisible force trying to seize his attention. His gaze was drawn back to the mirror where Sarobila's ghostly image flickered.

"Wait," the spirit's voice echoed through the room, a bit more forcefully than before. "There's something I need to speak with you about, Ren. Alone."

Jiro's expression turned from bewilderment to concern. "What? Why?" he demanded.

Sarobila's visage in the mirror seemed to soften. "It is a matter that only concerns Ren. Please, step outside for a moment."

Ren's heart raced. His instincts screamed at him that what was about to transpire was momentous, something that could change his life. He met Jiro's eyes, which were probing him for answers.

"Alright," Ren finally whispered. He clapped a hand on Jiro's shoulder. "Please wait outside. I'll be okay."

Jiro was clearly unhappy with this development, but he relented. He cast a final wary glance at the mirror and then stepped out of the room, leaving Ren alone with Sarobila.

Ren swallowed hard, his throat dry. "What is it you need to tell me?" he asked.

Sarobila's phantom-like face became more solemn. "Ren, brace yourself. What I am about to reveal is the turning point of your destiny."

Sarobila's ethereal form seemed to shimmer as she began speaking. "I am not just any spirit," she began, her voice now emanating an echo that made the room vibrate. "I am Sarobila, once a lieutenant under the first general of Baal. I was sent as a messenger and guide."

"I was searching for you, Ren. The command of Baal must be fulfilled. I have waited and wandered through the spiritual plane," Sarobila continued.

Ren clenched his fists, his eyes locked on the spirit. "Why me? What does Baal want with me?"

Sarobila's eyes were piercing. "There is a power within you, Ren. Only you can hold my lord's full power as a vessel. This power was meant to be awakened at the right time. However, you must not seek Kunnay G now. His senses as an exorcist are sharp; he will detect Baal's presence within you before you are ready. Moreover, you need to prepare for the upcoming future. You must stop the vessels of Sins. I may not tell you more at this moment but trust me. I am here to help you, to guide you."

Ren's mind raced. This was too much to take in at once. "How do I awaken this power, and why would I want to? Baal is a demon lord, isn't he?"

A subtle smile formed on Sarobila's spectral lips. "True, Baal is a demon lord, but there is much you do not know about the balance between light and darkness and specially about the Sins. There is something you must say, a chant that has been passed down through ages."

Ren felt an inexplicable trust towards Sarobila. Perhaps it was the aura of authority she emanated or the resonance he felt deep within him. He nodded, signaling for her to proceed.

Sarobila then uttered words in a language that Ren did not recognize. The words were strange, the sounds resonating throughout the room. As she spoke, Ren felt the dark aura within him respond.

Suddenly, Ren's body was enveloped in a swirling vortex of dark energy. It was magnificent and terrifying. It felt as if a great seal had been unlocked within him. The sheer pressure brought him to his knees.

As the energies swirled, Ren's heart raced. He felt a connection to something ancient and vast. There was knowledge, power, and an overwhelming presence that he was now a part of.

Meanwhile, outside, Jiro noticed the sky darkening as if an unnatural night was falling. He felt a humming in the air that made his bones shudder. He raced towards the house, but a barrier of dark energy prevented him from entering.

In the distance, unbeknownst to Jiro, a figure stood watching through binoculars. It was Mika, her face grim. "This much power..." she whispered to herself. "So, it really has begun. I must notify the council."

Inside the house, Ren, still enveloped in the dark aura, felt an influx of ancient knowledge and power. His eyes glowed with a deep purple hue, and as he looked at Sarobila through the mirror.

Within the swirl of dark energy, Ren's consciousness seemed to expand. He saw flashes of ancient battles, spirits and demons clashing, and the rise and fall of mighty powers. He felt as though he was at the precipice of an infinite abyss of knowledge and strength.

Sarobila's voice broke through the cacophony in Ren's mind. "You must learn to control this power, Ren. Embrace it, but do not let it consume you. Remember, you are a vessel, not a slave. The meaning of Baal's vessel is different than the meaning of other lords vessels. You must not submit."

Ren struggled to focus. His instincts were screaming at him to run, but something deeper urged him to reach out to this ancient power.

In what felt like a whirlwind, the dark energies around him seemed to be absorbed into his very core. His eyes, glowing with an ethereal dark red light, met Sarobila's reflection once more.

"What… what has happened to me?" Ren managed to whisper.

"You have partially awakened the power of Baal within you. It will take time and training to fully control it," Sarobila replied, her voice calm and measured. "But you have taken the first step. You have the power to shield your aura, even from an elite exorcist like Kunnay G."

Ren felt a mix of awe and trepidation. His senses were sharper, his body felt lighter, and he could feel the streams of spiritual energy flowing around him.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind – Jiro! He remembered that Jiro was outside and probably worried sick. Ren sprinted to the front door, which was still shrouded in darkness.

As he stepped outside, the dark barrier dissipated, revealing a frantic Jiro.

"Ren! What happened in there?!" Jiro shouted, grabbing Ren's shoulders.

Ren looked at his friend, his gaze softening. "Jiro… a lot has happened, I will tell you later. Please allow me to rest a little, I will be ok. We will find Kunnay G, but first, I need to prepare. We are dealing with powers beyond our understanding,"

Unbeknownst to both Ren and Jiro, Mika, who had been observing from a distance, had vanished from her spot. The council would have to be informed, and the wheels of a much larger game were now in motion.