Part 3 - The Glutton's Intent

Somewhere on the outskirts of Paris, in a small, dimly-lit room filled with the aroma of countless dishes, a middle-aged man was voraciously consuming a mountain of food. The table was groaning under the weight of plates stacked high with delicacies from across the globe. He was devouring everything with an insatiable hunger, paying no heed to the incredulous glances from the restaurant staff.

This man, known to few as Gavriel, had an aura that was both captivating and revolting. His ravenous eating habits were just a manifestation of his true nature. Rumors circulated among the few who knew of him that he was one of the vessels of the Sins, embodying Gluttony.

As Gavriel was about to tear into another dish, his mobile phone rang. He answered, still chewing.

A voice from the other end spoke in a hurried tone. The room, though loud with the clattering of dishes, seemed to grow quiet as the voice conveyed information that made Gavriel's eyes widen.

After a brief moment of silence, Gavriel spoke with a sinister grin on his face, "So the council found the vessel before us? Well, it's better this way. Book my air ticket. We are going for a hunt, to Misaki."

Gavriel hung up and pushed the table, sending plates crashing to the floor. His eyes had taken on a demonic glint. The air around him grew dense, and his presence became menacing.

As he walked out of the restaurant, the skies seemed to darken. A palpable hunger for something far beyond food now consumed him. Gavriel's thoughts were racing - the prospect of finding another vessel, particularly one tied to a Supreme Demon, was tantalizing.

Meanwhile, in Misaki, Ren was meditating, trying to control the dark energy around him. Sorbila was acting as an excellent guide. He was already able to shape the dark energy around him and also gained some control but it will take a long time to fully control the energy. It is now a race with time. He knew that he had little time and that mastering his newfound powers was essential. The future remained uncertain, and the brewing storm was drawing even closer.

"Ren," Sarobila's voice was soft yet powerful, "you have taken the first step. But now, you must learn to control the power within you with a bit more and precise control."

"You must first understand the essence of your power," Sarobila explained. "You are the vessel of Baal, a demon lord of great influence in the spirit realm. Your power draws from ancient energies that flow through the realms. Your ability to perceive spirits, to command and to shield yourself, all stem from this connection."

Ren clenched his fists. "How do I control it? How do I use it without losing myself?"

Sarobila's eyes locked on Ren's. "You must find balance. The power is like a raging river; it can either destroy or be channeled for purpose. Let your will be the dam that guides its flow. Use it to protect, to command, but never let anger or despair seize control, for that is when the power consumes the vessel."

Ren's heart was pounding. "I understand. Teach me, guide me through this."

For the next few hours, Sarobila guided Ren through ancient techniques of focusing and channeling the energies within him. They practiced mental exercises, chants, and sorbila even guided for some combat movements that would help Ren use his powers effectively.

As Ren trained, a strange bond formed between him and Sarobila.


As Jiro raced through the dark streets of Misaki, clutching Ren's bracelet tightly, he felt a wave of unease. The air felt heavy, as if charged with anticipation. He reached Kunnay G's residence, a traditional Japanese house situated at the edge of the town, surrounded by tall trees.

Jiro rushed to the entrance, and as he was about to knock, the door slid open revealing one of Kunnay G's disciples, a young woman named Akari. She had long black hair and wore traditional exorcist garb.

"what brings you here at this hour?" Akari inquired, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"I need to see Kunnay G, it's urgent," Jiro blurted out, slightly out of breath.

Akari nodded and led Jiro through the dimly lit hallway into a large room. The room was adorned with talismans, ancient scrolls, and various relics. At the far end of the room, Kunnay G was seated in a meditative pose. He was an older man with a stern face and sharp eyes.

As Kunnay G's eyes fell on Jiro, he stood up. "What's the matter?" he asked in a deep voice.

I've come about a child… Jiro said"

"I see... His eyes shifted to the side, where Ayako's bracelet was glowing. He smiled and said, "Ah, so thats how you found about me. He thought, jiro was guided here by the sprit. "I can sense you. So no need to hide."

Ayako's ethereal form became visible, and she bowed to Kunnay G. Her gaze was full of anxiety for her child.

Kunnay G beckoned them to follow him. They moved through a corridor to a room where several children were playing. Among them was Ayako's son, happily playing with the other children.

Ayako's spirit lit up with joy, and her eyes welled with tears.

"Do not worry, sprit. Your son is special, and I have taken him as my disciple," Kunnay G explained. "He will grow up to be a skilled exorcist under my guidance. You can stay here and watch over him if you want."

Ayako looked at Kunnay G and then at Jiro. She seemed at peace.

Kunnay G invited Jiro to sit for tea. As they sat sipping the aromatic brew, Kunnay G said, "I've heard much about you and Ren. I hope to meet him someday."

"Thank you, Master G. I am sure Ren would be honored to meet you," Jiro replied.

As Jiro prepared to leave, Ayako approached him. She offered her hand, and as Jiro touched it, he felt a surge of energy.

"I grant you this boon, Jiro. May you be able to communicate with spirits and follow the path of an exorcist," Ayako's voice resonated.