Chapter 4: The Weight of Choices

**Chapter 4: The Weight of Choices**

Kai emerged from the most luxurious building in Neon Sea City, a smile plastered on his face. However, that smile vanished the moment he saw the man standing before him. It was none other than his butler, Edward. Worse still, seated in the hover car behind Edward was Kai's third brother, Nicholas.

Kai quietly got into the car, taking a seat opposite his brother. The tension in the air was palpable as they both stared out of their respective windows. Despite the silence, it wasn't because Kai and Nicholas didn't get along. On the contrary, Kai, the youngest and most cherished of five brothers, had a special bond with Nicholas, his only full-blood sibling.

Kai desperately wanted to share his recent achievements with Nicholas but found himself unable to speak. The car lifted off the ground and sped toward Woodland Mansion, Kai's home. As the mansion loomed into view, Kai began to sweat, dreading the impending encounter with his father.

The car came to a halt in front of the mansion, and Kai, now drenched in sweat, summoned his courage and stepped inside. Navigating through the opulent halls, they reached two grand, ancient-style doors. Kai and Nicholas entered, while Edward remained at the door.

Inside, the room resembled the study of a king from ancient times. Despite having visited many times, Kai always felt a sense of awe. This was his father Authar's office. As they entered, Authar looked up from his paperwork. Kai, unable to meet his father's stern gaze, kept his head down.

"Sit," Authar commanded, motioning to the chair before his desk. Kai sat, still avoiding eye contact.

"I've heard how you represented our family with pride in the auction hall. However, it doesn't change the fact that you stole from our house and broke our rules. You will be punished. But first, tell me why you did it." Authar's voice was grave, his eyes piercing.

Kai, nervously, began to explain. He recounted meeting a man who had requested a seed from a plant that only their family could grow. In exchange, the man promised to help Kai win a valuable auction item. Initially, Kai refused, but the man transferred 75,000 credits to Kai's account, tempting him. Eventually, Kai gave in, handing over the seed and receiving 75,000 more credits in return. This allowed him to buy the second most valuable item at the auction.

As he spoke, Kai pulled out a holographic map and handed it to his father. Authar's eyes gleamed for a moment as he examined the map, clearly intrigued by the location it depicted. However, he maintained a stoic expression.

"You should never lie to your father," Authar said sternly. "If you've sold that plant on the black market, there's no need to worry. We can protect you from any trouble. But fabricating stories about mysterious men will only harm you. As for your punishment, you will handle the mining operations of this new site alone."

With that, Authar dismissed Kai from the room. Before leaving, Kai mentioned the invitation he had received from the Lionheart family.

Authar, surprisingly lenient, allowed Kai to attend and instructed Nicholas to accompany him. Relieved, Kai and Nicholas exchanged glances, feeling a weight lifted from their shoulders. They then went their separate ways.

As Kai walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling that the mysterious man he had dealt with was more significant than he realized. He hoped that whatever awaited him at the new mining site would justify his risky choices and perhaps bring some understanding to the strange encounter that led him here.