(The manifestation)

I drop the book back to the shelf , because I didn't find it quite useful.

To me it like a children novel ,. Why did you drop it back carter Brooks asked.

I don't think am ready to read that useless book I still need to find the ancient books called the DOT , Maybe After then I can now use the Agatha eye .

"You haven't changed james Carter ,and to say the truth you are extremely powerful at times I do feel as if am standing with Lucifer the devil it self, you are to dangerous carter .

And I chukkle stop flattered me Brooklyn just stop it , you of all people know they're powerful witches and wizard out there that can destroy me with just their breath.

"Do you have somewhere to go james?.

Yes why did you asked.

"Nothing I just want to remind you not to forget that book .

Shit I don't want to or maybe I will some other time . and I stand on my feet and left after saying goodbye.

Mom am back where are you ? . am here a voice from the kitchen replied. What are you preparing or have you already prepared something?.

"Yes I just need to get juice from the fridge. So how was ur day son .

Fine mummy. But instantly her face change then I asked her what is going on are you OK?.

"Huh ooh nothing I just heard a weird dream that I die , and somehow I feel like I have died, I know this question sounds weird have I died before? And not just that I saw dealt talking me to s please that look like hell.

Ohh mom what kind of rediculous question is that , can someone die and still asked him/her self have I died and still be alive that weird.

"You haven't answered me son . .

No I replied instantly then inside my taught I started asking my self how did she know she died that is very strange and this is the first time I have ever rising someone from death and still remember how he died before .

Other people I have risen from the death only remember that when they about to die but anything after that they can't remember because God let it to be blank so they have no story to tell what they see . unless God allow your death to show you some revelation.

"Ahh .

I had a screaming sound that jount me from my taught , I saw my mom in a excruciating pain and blood is gushing out from her mouth and nose and i run to her to touch her , instantly I saw the death dragging her soul . enough I scream let her go , but the death did not reply me then I cast out a spell to weaken the death and he did leave her .

Then everything when back to normal but not me for the first time my power did not activate at the first call and u kind of feel like my chi has blocked what going on .