(The book)

What brings you back here james ?. Brooklyn asked . and I scratched my head , inside of me there was different taught on my head , I have to look for this book very fast and I suspect Brooke have the book and if para venture he didn't have it ,am hundred percent sure he know where the book is .

Hmm I .. Just split it out james , what is troubled you ?.

Brooke please if you have the book please give me, is very important .

Someone is dieing , with that book it will save that person life , I kneel down and beg him.

And Brooke chukkle really james please just get up , because that's not the James I know , you are not the type that kneel down and beg James .

Please Brooke my mom life is in danger .

"What are you saying James ,what happened to your mom, your face looks pale and why are you scared.

Remember the question you asked me what happened in Africa, and I told you I will tell you some other time.

"Ohh yes I remember , so what happened?.

Some group of bandit capture my mom and me and torture me , they asked me to help them steal on their national bank , but I try to stop them but mom will not allow me to, she say is not right for me to use my powers and I should keep low for them not to know I have power.

But she was wrong those guys have already know before the kidnaping toke place.

Until on fateful morning I found her dead, but i have no choice to bring her back to life, ever since then , the dead have been asking for her soul, and my power is weaken , is like it is being blocked or being drained. Am afraid am going to lose all my power with my mom.

And Brooke sighed, "you have do a terrible thing James I know you can bring the dead back to life but a death that is being meant can't be change, and if perhaps you cheated death, the death will come to collect what belong to them.

But as for your power , I think because you are desperate , that led to the consumption of it . or maybe the grandson of devil have found out.

Yes you're right Brooke I think he found out, that is why I need to acquired the book.

"Am sorry James I don't have it but I can give you a clue to where you can found it . I hope you power has not lose completely most especially the vxny realm, you can use that to trace the man that will link you to the book.

Thank you Brooke I love you I have to get home know .

"Wait ,Brooke called can you take the grim repper note with you , is very important.

Ohh OK and he stretched it to me, and I was reluctant to receive it , I don't know why he wanted me to read this useless book at all cost.

But if not that he actually help me right now, I would have decline it.

Then I collected it and dash out.