you again

Why? Is it a compulsory to read the book

If you insist i will once i get home , but am not actually making a promise.

At least i have an assurance that you are taking a step unlike thirty years ago.

You have a big explanation to me james why don't you age , don't tell me this has anything to do with destruction .


Its a long story brooke and i don't want to talk about it ,.

.are you still going to hide the reason behind it from me .

Am just not ready for that .

What if i demand to know so that i can help.

I don't need your help Brooke i can take care of myself.

"I see you do then explain to me why did you always get yourself into trouble.

Destruction is stuck inside your body and both soul collide and form one soul.

Removing it means you will.also die.

"How did you know James asked ?.

Ohh i see Mig tell you.

That is why i hate anyone taking care of me, it make me feel affectionate and i hate it.

Then get use to it because we won't stop even if you asked us to .

Because you need to be love .

You might think the supreme leagues are you family ,but you are wrong .

Your real family is us ,before them .

Even if they did make you happy don't always forget your home that is your true happiness.

James signed.

He gave up there is way he can beat Brooke each time he bring up

This conversation.

"You just love having things your way .James utter.

Then are you still going to avoid my question or answer them.

What makes you still look younger in your early 30s?.

Its the book , the ancient book that was hidden in the pyramid in the year 500bc.

Ohh i see the one the speedstar gave you. Have you burnt it. Because that book is not meant to be here .course once it falls at the wrong hand .

There is going to be a disaster on every mankind,both the righteous and the wicked one will suffer the consequences..

No i haven't but am actually planning to and that was one of the reason Zeus came to take Diana soul.

"You see what am saying james you have to let someone in ,you can't fight it or save everyone all alone. "Two head solve a problem quicker than one..

"I will think about it , don't get sick brooke its not yet time for you to die, you have to see my grandkids.

.and Brooke chuckles for a man who is already 110years old.

Still want to see grand kids


At evening James decided to go back to his resort after stay with brooke taking care of him ,the little time he spend it him he decided to grab some few ancient books and read them before living.

Maybe Miguel haven't parked all my stuff to my new mansion.

Unknown to him the lady he encounter some few hours ago was spying on him.

Was watching his every move until he saw james heading to a building.


But she stop on her track when she noticed james stop ,her gaze follow james gaze and she saw a group of police men handcuffs Miguel.

James was angry where do they think they're taking his friend to .

He was ready to stop them , but a soft hand grabbed him and took him to a sharp corner.

Let me go james utter.

I can't and what if i did let you go ,what did you actually plan to do .

To strangle the cops think like a reasonable person.

James was angry and he jacked his hand off from her grip.

Who the hell are you?.

He stare at her this time he remembers she was the lady that he Bump into or probably she did.

"You again he pointed, are you pestering me .wait you have been spying on me .

Let me give you word of advice .

Stay away from me because you don't really know dangerous i am .

I will tell me who you are .

The lady replied.