Old friend

After yesterday conversation with machachus and Miguel james was still having a second taught if he should give his father a chance . besides is a great opportunity for him .

He is still.mad at his father and he is not yet ready to forgive him ,but he is still having a second taught .. Not because he wanted to forgive him .but to save Diana.

He have to be very fast to save her life . since he doesn't have enough time anymore.

He wonder what the devil seal will do to him if he fails to remove the seal.

But since he have no ideal how to remove the seal . it is better for him to save Diana before the devil takes his soul away.

James went inside his portion room and scan all the area he is just confused ,he doesn't know where to start from . he sighted the grim-reppers book. Brooke gave to him thirty years ago.

He see no reason to read the book because to him it will do him no good.

One thing about james he has knowledge of magic but one thing he haven't done in his entire life is to talk to the dead..

He ignored the book what is more important is to save Diana it has been a long years for him to save her soul. And right now he didn't have enough time .

Not long miguel rush to james .

I think carrick is coming back to us for good. Here. He stretch the phone to james .

Hey " old friend". What's sup man. Why the sudden call.

Carrick replied from the other line . where are you i went to your old apartment but its empty.

"I just moved some few days i will text you the address.

And james hang up the phone . then he text him the address.

You don't sound happy carrick is coming back Miguel asked.

Did i always get happy, maybe you forgot happiness is not meant for me .

I got a feeling carrick is in danger. Because he has no reason to call me on a short notice. He is not a man who pay me a visit by surprise.

I just hope is not something that will endanger his life .

Do you still think the prophecy will come to pass?.. Miguel asked

I don't know because i hope the prophecy should be averted that is why i told him not to went to Nigeria in the first place ,