The return of shalom

After i killed my best friend . i watch my dead friend with tears fill on my eyes .

Am confused as hell because there was no other way .

I was not strong enough to save him. I am a failed wizard.

The photo he gave me of his daughter.

Was on my hand .

People like me was not strong enough to save the people i love .

Anyone that get close to me always get hurt.

If anyone say i will be the one to take my friend life i will denied it.

Carrick was a true friend, just like Miguel . how am i going to relate the news to miguel that i kill my best friend , our best friend.

Or carrick daughter.

If only i can turn back time to save carrick i will gladly do that .

I took my friend to the backyard of the building. The building was own by carrick it was his wharehouse ,but was empty after he left to Africa.

I buried my friend outside the wharehouse , after i finish filling the soil back . It started raining heavily and its already nightfall.

I never noticed how long have been moaning my friend death.

Some how it felt i should die with my friend , i don't have any reason why i have to stay alive anymore.

My entire coat is already soaked with water .

And its still raining heavily.

I was ready to went back inside the wharehouse i started feeling pain on my wrist.

Am still yet to solve the mystery how the seal left my abdomen to my wrist.

I noticed i can't feel myself anymore my Irish become red as the devil i already know am being possessed by the devil seal and am thirsty for blood and the devil want me to win souls to him.

I try controlling myself but the force of the devil was too much. My gaze shifted to my friend i just buried i started digging the soil back to bring out his corpse from the ground.

But i stop on my track when i had a voice called my names

I turned to look who just called my name. Because the voice sound familiar like a long time friend.

I don't want to be distracted by the voice i have friend again.

But instead i was buried under the earth remaining my head out .

When i letter my head up.

The man standing in front of me was no other person but shalom.

But i can't control my self . a friend of my is dead and a long time friend has returned back to me .

But it seems he is trying to fight me. If am actually right mind i would have welcome shalom and gave him a hugs but the demon inside of me is craving for blood and a scapegoat has just appeared to me.

Let see how you can stop me the demons inside of me utter in an huskily voice.