House of Pasta

Matt Murdock and Marc Spector visit Antonio's House of Pasta to investigate the car-bombing.

Down the street from them was Antonio's House of Pasta. The car bomb had destroyed almost the entire store-front of the restaurant. The old red bricks of the wall were scorched into blackened charcoal. The shattered Windows had been sealed with planks of plywood. Nailed to the front door was a large sign that read: "Closed for Renovation".

Hanging on the dilapidated front wall and littering the sidewalk were wreaths of flowers. On a wooden stand in front of the doorway was a large plaque and photograph of a middle-aged italian man. Engraved caligraphy below the photograph read: "In loving memory of Luigi Cappruconi". A group of about 12 well-dressed people stood about the memorial. There heads were bowed, one of them was a catholic priest.

Suddenly, a long black limousine hurled around the corner and squealed to a stop in front of the Restaurant. The driver opened the back door and out stepped a man in a black trench coat and fedora carrying a wreath of flowers. From his vantage point down the street, Matt Murdock could hear one of the men surprisedly murmur "Boss, what're ya doin' here??!! The cops and feds are lookin' all over fer ya! I understand ya wanna pay yer respects…"

Concealed beneath the man's wreath of flowers and long black trenchcoat had been concealed a vintage 'Tommy' sub-machinegun. The man, an impostor of Hammerhead, drew his weapon and then began to open fire on the crowd of mourners and civilians.

Acting quickly, Matt and Marc leapt into action and disarmed the Hammerhead replicant and beat him into submission. The authorities soon arrived and arrested the crazed Hammerhead look-alike who refused to cooperate and provide information. Seeking out the surviving mourners, Matt began conversing with them in earnest. "Who sent the hitman?" Matt asked.

"Who else could it have been, other than the Faces of Fear." the Maggia thug answered.

"Did they also kill Luigi?" Matt then asked.

"It's believed so." the thug nodded.

"Where's Hammerhead really at?" Matt tried.

"The boss is hiding out. I dont know exactly where, and i wouldn't tell you if i did." the thug spat.

"You know anything about the Seavers kid who was kidnapped?" Marc asked.

"Been hearin' the Faces of Fear swiped the kid for the ransom they think Roxxon will pay out for his safe return. They could use the money, that's the one advantage the Maggia has over them." the thug replied.
