Hawkeye and Mockingbird had arrived at the intersection of 1st and 42nd street. Nearby stood the impressive United Nations building. At the late hour, the only people that could be seen near the building were night Watchmen.
In the road of the intersection, Hawkeye spotted the manhole cover Cameron Seavers had mentioned. At the moment, there were no pedestrians or vehicles approaching the manhole cover. Hawkeye and Mockingbird used this freedom to descend down into the dark, dank depths of The New York City sewer system. They climbed down a long steel laddder into a main tunnel of the city's sewer.
Vapors rose from a stream of foul raw sewage running down the middle of the tunnel. Through the murky air could be seen numerous pipes intersecting at odd angles. Not only did the sewer smell horrible, but it was a bewildering maze. The sewer tunnels were circular in cross-section, measuring between 6-30 feet in diameter varying in tunnels. On each side of the tunnel was a metal-grated walkway with an iron rail. The tunnels were only dimly illuminated by moonlight filtering in through the manhole covers and curb grates on the street above. In some spaces, phosphorescent algae grew on the walls. Between the walkways, the river of putrid brown sewage flowed from six inches to four feet deep in varying tunnels. This would continue to rise if a rain began.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird scoured the grimy pipes for quite some time. Rats scurried out if their way, while hungry mosquitos attempted to bite them through their armored uniforms.
After searching for long enough to get exceptionally dirty, from a large pipe to their right, the sounds of thrashing water echoed to them. Suddenly, they heard a bellow of rage, and a deep voice echoed loudly, "It's Gator's egg! You can't have! Gator hatch egg!!"
After proceeding down the echo reverberating tunnel, they found themselves in a large processing tank, which was filled with sewage to a depth of 4 feet. The tank itself was 10 feet high, with a guard rail at half that height. Piled in the center of the tank was a 10-foot -tall mound of stinking garbage. The refuse had been heaped into some sort of nest. Swimming in the water and lounging on the refuse pile were six massive Alligators. In the center of the nest, was a massive human-Alligator abomination who had once been known as Burt Buckle. Burt Buckle was one of the many homeless denizens of New York City who had unluckily taken refuge in the lifelike Manikin factory in Chinatown. When Fu Manchu chose the location for his hideout, Burt was captured and subjected to experiments which mutagenically combined his DNA to that of an Alligator. Fu Manchu then gave the beast he called Gator a Spirit Bomb, and lied that the bomb was actually a mystical egg, that upon hatching would transform everyone else in New York to an Alligator similar to Burt. Thoroughly brainwashed, Gator foolishly believes Fu Manchu and had completely devoted himself to the protection and hatching of his egg. Clutching the bomb to his chest with one hand, Gator immediately attacked Hawkeye and Mockingbird, bellowing out "My Egg! Gator must hatch it!! You can't have it!!"
Gator also used his mutagenic connection with Alligators to influence the surrounding animals to aid him in his defense.
Running partially up the wall, Hawkeye leapt and delivered a devestating elbow to the top top of Gator's head. However, Gator seem completely unphased and swatted Hawkeye back with his free hand. Hawkeye sprawled backwards, but quickly regained his footing.
"Your scent makes me sick!" Gator bellowed.
"It's probably your aftershave." Black Widow joked.
Gator then buried the bomb deep into the muck of his nest, before loping on all fours directly at Hawkeye. Hawkeye leapt up and ran down the scaled and ridged hide back of Gator towards his refuse nest. As he sank into the nest the several other alligators began to attack. Black Widow disposed of the alligators quickly with shots from her 'stingers' on her wrist that projectiled electrified darts.
In an instant Gator was on them to defend his nest. Gator stood on its hind legs to hammer-fist Hawkeye, when Black Widow ran up its back and leapt onto its arm slamming it down into the nest on its elbow. The opportunistic Hawkeye then threw a flying knee into the jaw of the down Gator, landed and then crashed into the same spot on its chin with an uppercut.
Gator's lethal maw snapped at Hawkeye who leapt back to avoid the razor sharp fangs. As Gator stood back up Black Widow met it, performing a stunning backflip kick that connected directly under Gator's chin. Hawkeye fired an arrow into Gator's knee from a short distance. The bolt if the arrow didn't pierce its skin, but the force of the blow still made him buckle. Black Widow just started laying into Gator with a vicious barrage of blows to its head and chest, in the futile hopes of knocking the thick-skulled beast unconscious. Gator withstood the blows and swung two vicious left and right clawed hooks that Black Widow adeptly dodged beneath. Hawkeye fired another arrow at Gator before joining Black Widow's side in the melee.
Gator dropped and turn in a circle, swinging his tail in a violent whip that Hawkeye nimbly leapt over but Black Widow was battered with. Falling backwards, Gator rushed her. Hawkeye ran up the running creature's back once again and leapt heavily onto it's shoulders. Before it could grip the whole of Black Widow's thigh in its might jaws, Hawkeye fired an explosive arrow into the crown of Gator's skull. The explosion blasted Hawkeye into the ceiling of the tank before falling into the sewage. Luckily, Hawkeye was already deaf or he would have shared Natasha's pain and irreparable damage to his hearing.
Surprisingly, Gator was unconscious but still alive. Once he had been dealt with, Hawkeye and Black Widow began searching through the nest of sewage for the secreted bomb. "There's no way I'm helping carry him out of here. Just saying." Black Widow stated. Hawkeye laughed heartily. "No, seriously, how are we getting this guy out if here?"