Another Long Day

"ring ring" "ring ring" "ring ring"


Without a sound or expression Edward Richello got up from his grey colored mattress and sheets to clean up in the bathroom. Brushing his teeth, combing his hair, then spending 30 minutes on his phone reading about underwater cave explorations.

His slightly long black hair covered his multicolored eyes. He was of average height and naturally strong with thick shoulder muscles.

Something Ed always wanted to do was to explore somewhere dangerous and discoveries mysterious untold, but for Ed life was different. Orphaned as a young kid as a result of "exceptionally violent parents" or that's what the police and documents say, Edward was living off of a local government plan that covers orphans financially from violent homes up to the end of the age 21.

21 is the age that Edward is currently. The fear and anxiety thinking about the expulsion of his contract is scarier than any underwater abyss, because that means if he doesn't find any passion or just something to do he will be out on his ass, with no help or family, well besides one person.

Xavier Millard, or what everyone calls him, Mills. Growing up together with Mills in the same orphanage was easily the only good thing to come out of that place. Mills was tall, had brown curly hair, a light farmers tan, and spoke with an accent that you'd imagine farmers speak with. He might not be the smartest tool in the shed but when he feels any indication of danger he will be out of there faster than shit through a goose.

While engrossed in the dark scary cave story a huge knock came from a door.


"Oy open up its me, you'd said yesterday you'd meet me by the meetup at 9:30 it's 9:50 now."

"Shit I'll be right out gimme a second." Ed said as he put his pants on and got his stuff together. Getting to the door he greeted Mills and they started walking together towards the elevator.

"Hey my parents were talking about having dinner tonight at my grandparents house, we're having our special spaghetti squash so you'd better come." Mills was actually adopted at the age of fourteen by a generationally well off family, but that didn't stop him from seeing his best friend Ed and including him in.

"Yeah I will think about it" Ed sputtered out quietly

"Nah your coming whether you like it or not, remember it's my grandparents the house far out in Timberlands Forest, it's at 8pm."

Before Mills could continue his invitation Ed changed the subject to where they were headed currently, an abandoned building they've been scouting out now for a bit. To itch his urge of adventure and the unknown Ed has taken his friend urban exploring. Some other abandoned buildings have been explored by Ed and Mills but this building was a lot bigger than the others they have explored before.

"I wonder what this place has in it, maybe a dead body, something scary or cool, or maybe some well made graffiti." Excited chattering came from ed's mouth as he thought about the fun of adventure, but Mills seems to be more of a realist.

"It's probably some rat shit and a few peoples names written in graffiti like the last place, why do we keep coming to these places, we already know what's expected."

Ed pulled out his camera as they got closer to the property fence line while trying to explain to Mills that it's about the unknown, the chance of something scary happening in the dark is what makes it scary, although it was day.

"Have we even taken a picture of anything scary on that thing." Mills was trying to prove his point.

"Yeah we got pentagrams, scary eerie rooms and hallways that looked strange, oh and that scary face that looked kinda like a ghost."

"hahaha c'mon man don't make me laugh that was just floating dust that kinda looked like a face." Mills made it a point to laugh.

"Yeah whatever, you will be changing your tune tomorrow night when we explore this huge abandoned factory and capture something truly scary" Ed said with an iron will.

The two friends were chattering away after passing through a hole in the chain-linked fence. They have found a possible entrance way into the factory meaning almost no one should have explored it yet, making Ed and even Mills a little excited.

"Hey you know none of that paranormal stuff exists you know like ghosts and ghouls, at best you'll catch the portrait of a dirty homeless person." Mills said as he was grunting helping Ed prying metal from a window side.

"Bro are you down trying to find something actually mysterious or scary or are you always going to be a party pooper. " Ed said with a heavy breath, tired from prying metal.

"creeeakk." Enough metal was pryed open to make an enance way after a last effort. Both the men plop down a little sweaty but successful, when out of nowhere the sound of a twig cracks from the forest turing both Ed and Mills head with a whipping motion.

"Hey that's probably a cop, let's dip" Mills said with a voice of urgency.

"Shit let me get my gear real quick." Picking up his stuff quickly Ed hurried up to Mills out of the chain-linked fence perimeter. Left standing there out of Ed and Mill's eyesight was a figure where they just were, just observing, not to be noticed by either of them.

Getting back near the government apartments after a half hour Ed left Mills with a promise to meet him at his grandma's.

After a while it was nearing 6 pm 'Another long day is almost done' he thought. Unbeknownst to him the day was just getting started.