Chapter 1: Ex-girlfriend's cat is lost

When I was diagnosed, the doctor asked me with a serious face: "Why did I cough for so long and have tinnitus, but I only come to the hospital now?"

"I thought it was caused by an allergy to cats."

The doctor couldn't seem to understand: "Allergies and cats?"


My husband and ex-girlfriend's cat.

When I walked out of the hospital door, I was still confused.

When Chi Ri went out in the morning, he didn't close the bedroom door, and his cat sneaked into the bedroom again.

The name green tea was given by his ex-girlfriend, because it is very green tea, always sticking to Chi Day, except Chi Day, it is not close to anyone.

After Chi Ri left the house, he would always jump on the bed and nestle in the place where he had slept.

When I am allergic to cats, I cough and sneeze.

This time, it was especially serious.

I was woken up by coughing, unlike before, my whole lung was coughing painfully, and when I saw the blood in my hand, I was a little confused.

I never thought that a small allergy would cause any big problems.

As a result, the doctor told me that my lung cancer was at an advanced stage... The cancer cells have even metastasized to the brain.

It turns out that this is the real reason why I cough and often can't hear sounds.

After leaving the hospital, I wandered the streets, not knowing what to do.

The body seems to become heavy, weak, and weak.

Obviously it was fine when I came to check in the morning.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, I seem to feel like I'm really dying.

Subconsciously took out the cigarette in his pocket and put it back again.

Muddy back home, into the bedroom, after taking the medicine, nestled into the quilt, and his brain continued to go blank.

The light in front of the window gradually disappeared, and when I opened my eyes again, I was woken up by Chi Day.

He stared at me with cold eyebrows, saying something.

"Huh?" For a moment I couldn't hear what he was saying, I could only see his mouth open and close, and the whole person seemed to have a very low air pressure.

"And the door is not closed, and the green tea is lost, you know?"

I perked up: "Have you looked for it at home?"

Green tea does not like to go out, but likes to hide in the dark to observe, mostly hiding in a corner of the home.

"What do you think?" Chi Ri asked rhetorically, "Why don't you close the door?" Did you do it on purpose?"


I suspect I will not only have tinnitus but also auditory hallucinations.

What neuropathy would deliberately keep the door closed?

I sighed and said lightly, "I didn't mean to."

I'm going to die, I really didn't pay attention to whether the door was closed or not, and I didn't mean to lose the green tea.

I've endured it for seven years, and I don't have a few days to live, can't I bear it?

But I can't say that to him.

I am afraid that he will be sad, and even more afraid that he will not be sad.

Chi Ri was very angry at my indifferent attitude: "Xia Zhi, it's just a cat, do you have to live with it?"

It wasn't the hardest thing he ever said, nor the most hurtful thing he ever said, but my heart was pricked with needles.

If it had been before, I would definitely apologize, would have relented, and coaxed him.

But I'm so tired now.

I also want him to coax me.

"What if I say yes?" I looked up at him and said in a flat tone: "You know that I am allergic to cats, is it difficult to give it to my family or let a friend raise it?"

He was startled for a moment, and then his narrow eyebrows flashed coldly.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Since green tea is not acceptable in the first place, don't say those high-sounding words. You know what I hate the most."

I was silent.

Of course I know.

Chi Ri frowned and looked at me: "Xia Zhi, if you lose the green tea, don't come back."

After that, he slammed the door and left.

The slightest hint of anticipation in my heart instantly turned into a bubble.

It was as if I had just woken up from a big dream and suddenly understood.

It turns out that no matter how many years I have been with him, I am a person who is not even as good as his ex-girlfriend's cat.