charpter 7

Because of the cat loss incident, Chi Ri and I had a cold war.

In the past, I would always take the initiative to coax him, but now, every day, I have strange pain in my body, sometimes even dizziness to vomit, and often cough up blood, tinnitus... So I really can't care about him.

Don't want to care either.

I quit my job and became an unemployed vagrant, spending my days at home basking in the sun.

After all, pretending to be a normal person has exhausted all my strength.

And Chi Ri didn't know anything about it.

Is my acting so good?

Late at night, Chi Ri opened the door of the guest room.

The smell of alcohol on his body was very strong, mixed with the unknown fragrance.

The moment he approached, I frowned and coughed while not asleep.

I was afraid that I would suddenly vomit blood and pushed him away.

He fell to the ground.

It was clear that he was drunk, but it seemed that I had too much strength.

"Xia Zhi, can you not ... 」

What he was saying, I couldn't hear.

But seeing his dejected appearance, I subconsciously relented.

"It's cold on the ground. 」

I held out my hand at him.

His hands were warm and hot.

"Go take a bath, I'll make you a hangover soup." 」

He held my hand and didn't let go.

After a while, he took a piece of candy from his pocket and gently placed it on my hand.

I glanced down.

It is a foreign brand of fruit sugar, giant acid.

It is also Liang Xiaoxiao's favorite fruit candy.

I saw it when I spied on her Weibo.

But Chi Day, I have a toothache and can't eat acid.

I'm also most afraid of eating sour.

After Chi Ri entered the bathroom, I threw the candy in the trash, along with our seven-year relationship.

More than seven years, actually.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Chi Day, this time, I don't want you.

I also didn't expect that the last straw that overwhelmed our feelings turned out to be a small candy.

Chi Ri finished taking a bath, as if he had woken up, he did not make any more unusual moves, and sat quietly at the dining table in black pajamas.

"Drink and go to bed early." I put the decanting soup in front of his eyes.

After taking a sip with a spoon, he spit it directly into the bowl.

"Xia Zhi, if you don't want to do it, you can not do it." He leaned back in his chair, as if disappointed.

I picked up the bowl and threw it into the sink with a loud noise.

"Then you go and find someone who makes it good to make it for you, don't drink what I made." 」

Chi Tian's cold eyebrows carried a layer of anger: "What do you mean?" 」

"What do you mean by taking Liang Xiaoxiao to Qiqi Company?" 」

Tell me through the mouth of Qiqi, you have broken the mirror and reunited? Come and force me to give Liang Xiaoteng a place?

He was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became a little strange, as if he was not so angry.

"She's my assistant now, I can."

Before he could finish, I interrupted.

"Chi Day, you can tell me directly, don't be so roundabout, I can fulfill you." 」

He was stunned, and his eyebrows became sarcastic little by little.

Chi Ri sneered: "You are so generous. 」

I looked at his face and suddenly felt very strange.

I don't know what he meant by that.

We've been together for seven years, why I still don't know Chi Ri at all.

I didn't want to argue with him, so I said, "Chi Day, it's our wedding anniversary in two days, let's go climbing the mountain, the one we climbed in college." 」

It seemed that the topic changed too quickly, and he was a little confused, but still said: "Whatever you want." 」

Climbing the mountain was a lot of strenuous for me, but fortunately there was a cable car.

I messaged Chi Ri and asked him to meet him at the top of the mountain.

It took a long time before he called me.

"Xia Zhi, there is something in the company, I can't go, you go home early." 」

Is there something wrong with the company or Liang Xiaoxiao?

"Chi Day, if you don't come today, then..." Just divorce. 」

"Xia Zhi!" Chi Ri suddenly roared: "Liang Xiaoxiao fell down, it's dangerous now, I really can't get by, as for the divorce, don't threaten me with this." 」

After speaking, he hung up.

Threaten him with a divorce?

Also, this is not the first time I have mentioned divorce.

We have been together for seven years and married for three years, how can we not mention divorce.

I also had a very willful time, when he didn't like me so much, but he didn't bother me that much.

When Chi Ri first started his business, he went out to socialize and drink, and came back with a bright red seal behind his suit.

I was very angry at the time, and although I knew that he would not cheat, it was a small trick made by others, but I was burned by anger and lost my mind.

I cried and threw his suit on the floor, saying I would get a divorce if he went to socialize again.

He was sitting on the couch in a white shirt, with a hint of tiredness on his face and a cold look in his eyes.

"Whatever you want.

He was accustomed to my favoritism.

I even saw clearly in his eyes what he didn't say.

Are you willing to give up?

yes, I can't bear it.

The person I put on the tip of my heart, how can I be willing to give up.

My sunk cost is too high.

For so many years, he has not changed, squandering my love, but I have changed.

Now, I'm not threatening him with a divorce to care more about me, I just don't want to die when I take his wife's identity with me.

I can be anyone but no longer his lover.

I'd rather die than love him again.