The Last

Before returning home, I went to my parents' house, and my little nephew asked me why I was not happy.

I said I had done something wrong and his aunt was angry now.

So he gave me a candy and asked me to apologize.

He said that children understand the truth, why I don't understand.

I didn't apologize because I was angry that she pushed me away, but I gave her the candy.

But she threw it in the trash.

Her hangover soup was so bad that I couldn't hold back my throw, maybe because I was still angry that she would push me away.

The huge gap made me unbearable.

But she finally mentioned Liang Xiaoxiao, and I just wanted to say that I could drive her away.

But she said she wanted to fulfill us.

At that moment, my brain went blank.

It shouldn't be like this.

How could she say that.

She should lose her temper, or domineeringly say that she likes me, say that I am her alone, and let me stay away from Liang Xiaoxiao.

So I quarreled with her again.

She doesn't seem to understand at all, I don't like Liang Xiaoxiao, I don't like others, I only like her.

After being with her, I never had an affair with other people.

I'm angry, so I don't want to explain.

I hated her suspicion and distrust, as if in her heart, I would not refuse.

I hated it even more, she didn't love me anymore.

On the morning of her wedding anniversary, she was out early, so I saw the divorce settlement she had placed in a drawer.

I suddenly understood why she was asking me to go hiking.

Because I had done something wrong, she must have wanted to turn over old accounts and take the opportunity to divorce me.

So I didn't go and lost my temper with her.

But I didn't lie, Liang Xiaoxiao fell that day and almost miscarried.

When I took Liang Xiaoxiao's test report and was about to go home to apologize and explain to her, she was no longer there, and there was a divorce agreement on the table.

She didn't need my explanation.

She wasn't threatening me, she really wanted to divorce me.

I panicked and located her phone and found her at the bar.

She is having an affair with someone else.

I hit the man and lost her.

She stood beside the other person, standing on the opposite side of me, and looked at me coldly.

I couldn't see a little love in those cold eyes.

I seem to have really lost her.

But she clearly said that she would always love me.

She said that even if we quarreled, she would always love me.

As long as I stand where I am, she will love me.

She's a liar.

Just the thought of her not in love made me lose control.

Words that should have been apologized turned into hurtful words.

I said, "A liar will swallow a thousand silver needles." 」

Those who cheat will not end well.

She said she had lied too much, and a thousand silver needles were not enough.

She admitted that she didn't like me anymore.

I know, she's not going to lie.

I felt as if she had killed my soul at that moment.

One thing I have always believed in my life, only Xia Zhi likes Chi Day.

Xia Zhihui will always like Chi Day.

After she left, I wanted to go over to her and save her, but she didn't love me anymore.

I don't want to be cheap.

The days of her absence were more tormenting than I thought.

Love for her drowned me like a tidal wave day and night.

It was also after Xia Zhi left that I learned that love is delayed.

My retribution came.

Finally, when I decided to drop all my face and go to her, she seemed to disappear out of thin air.

I can't find her anymore.

I can't find it anymore.

Mobile phone positioning has been out for a long time....

She doesn't want me anymore.

I never thought she could be cruel to this point, and the person who had not left during countless arguments before was now completely gone.

I even began to wonder if she ever loved me.

I admit that after being green by Liang Xiaoxiao, I have always been very unwilling.

But I want to tell her that I don't like Liang Xiaoxiao for a long time.

I also wanted to tell her that I was with her because she had beautiful eyes.

When she looked at me, there seemed to be light in her eyes, and I could always clearly feel her love.

From high school to college.

Her gaze always followed me.

Actually, I've always known.

Because I've seen too many of those looks.

Her liking, can't hide.

I suspected that Qiqi hid Xia Zhi, so I often went to Qiqi's house to wait downstairs.

In the winter, she came down with a basin of water and splashed it on my face, telling me to roll.

She cried and said I deserved it.

She told me not to come to disgust people, how far to die.

She said a lot of nasty things, so I never went again.

Because Xia Zhi will be unhappy.

I cooked very salty porridge and ate it all.

She didn't come back either.

Green tea left me soon after.

The day she died, it nestled on the pillow she had slept on and kept meowing.

I suddenly understood.

It actually likes her very much, and avoids her because she knows that if it is close to her, she will be allergic and uncomfortable.

Run away to avoid harm.

But I understood it too late.

I remember one of our fights and she said, "Tell me I'm sorry. 」

I didn't say.

She cried and said, "You don't even say I'm sorry, how can I forgive you." 」

But she forgave me anyway.

I dreamed of her again.

I waited outside the classroom for her to finish class.

She ran at me and said, "I've waited for you so many times, and finally you're waiting for me." 」

"Fool, I'll always wait for you. 」

Then I woke up crying.

Because I never waited for her.

Every time she gets angry, she moves loudly, but her voice is small.

And when she really left, quietly.

I changed the gate to a combination lock, and the code was her birthday.

But she never came home.

The candy in the trash can was sour, so she deserved to throw it away, and I deserved it.

The truth that green tea was not lost, porridge was salty, hangover soup was bitter, and there was no sound on TV was later revealed little by little.

And how much truth do I not know?

I realized that I thought I had just made a mistake, but I had already made nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine mistakes inadvertently.

But I only told her once that I was sorry.

I knew she would never forgive me again because I owed so much sorry.

I am used to being liked, to not cherishing the love of others.

I felt good standing on top of her tower built with love.

Eventually, the wall collapsed.

My love and I died in the tower.

Those mistakes I made turned into a thousand silver needles, and the roots were piercing.

Actually, I know that my summer died in the fall.

She would never come back.