From the way Enoch drove off the car without a word to anyone, there was no need for someone to tell Abigail that he was more than angry, and she could guess the reason why.

He drove the car as fast as he could, in a hurry to get to his destination, which was unknown to anyone. But he was also carful not to scare Abigail unnecessary. Abigail didn't even bother to ask where they were going or why he was fuming with that much anger, nor did Gideon.

They sat silently as Enoch dove the car as if he was the only one in it. Even though Abigail didn't care where Enoch was taking her, she peeped through the window of the car to know where she was being taking to.

After fourty minutes of silent drive, Enoch completed an hour and a half jounny. He brought his car to a holt in front of a building which looked More like an office than a house. Without a word, he got down from the car and rushed into the building, leaving Gideon and Abigail behind.

"This way Miss Abigail." Gideon said to Abigail when he noticed she was roaming her sight around the vicinity and not moving.

Abigail turned to Gideon obediently without saying anything, even though she hard lot of questions in mind. She couldn't understand why Gideon had changed his behavior towards her all of a sudden, and giving her the respect he'll give to his boss.

She walked pass him and got close to the doors of the building which Enoch had just entered. Before making a move to enter the building, she lifted her head to read the writings on top of the entrance.

"Ghana Prison Service. Ankaful Division." Abigail read as the worry she had of her whereabouts earlier disappeared, replaced with fear.

She had heard of the prison before. It was the second biggest prison in the country, and it was known to have the most dangerous criminals in its. Even the notorious armed robber called Ata Aye, known all around the country, was imprisoned in that same prison.

She feared for herself and the Prison officers who worked at that branch, which is why even though she was a police officer, she had never set foot in any prison before. Not once did she wished to be in a place like that, but thanks to Enoch, she had to be there.

She entered the building with a heavy and pounding heart, but even before she could get any further or make a wrong move, two men dress in the same brown camo uniform as Gideon, approached her and took her to one of the offices.

It was as if the men were guarding her instead of directing her, and they kept calling her ma'am, treating her like one of their bosses. A door was open for her and when she entered, a beautiful and well decorated luxuriously manly looking office welcomed her.

She loved everything she saw in the room except for the four heavy bodied men dress in all black, standing at the door and corners of the room. They saluted in unison to great her when they sighted her, but she ignored them and let her fingers pass through the surface of the mahogany dusk, knowing they were treating her well on someone's instructions.

Thinking of that someone, Abigail turned to the door and as if he heard her calling for him, the door opened and Enoch came in, holding some documents in his left hand, which one of the men in black took from him immediately they saw him enter with it, as if it was something heavy and Enoch couldn't hold.

"Get them ready for me now." Enoch said strictly to the man who took the file from him, and he nodded before stepping out of the room to do as he was told.

As if they were speaking in a strange language or what Abigail didn't hear, the other men left the office before she could understand what was happening. She looked at Enoch, who still had the anger he got from the police station, written on his face.

"What are we doing here?" Abigail asked calmly, but Enoch knew there was fear behind her question.

He forced himself to smile before talking to her, even though his smile and words made Abigail's worries worse. "I intend to fulfill my promise of helping you get enough and strong evidence against that girl." He said calmly but anger was what Abigail felt in his words.

>>>>>>>>>>Abigail's POV<<<<<<<<<<

I didn't need anyone to tell me how angry Enoch was, even though he kept looking at me with his loving gaze and a smile I know he was forcing himself to show. But one thing I couldn't stop thinking about was how he was going to get me the evidence I need.

"Just wait for me here." I heard him saying. I didn't let my sight leave his face for even a second, making sure he understands that am not staying behind.

"I'll let my men attend to you, just let them know what you want. I'll be back soon." Enoch said to me when I didn't say anything to his earlier comment.

He turned to leave after placing a soft kiss on my forehead, but I held his hand before he could even take a step. "I want to go with you." I said as a matter of factly, which made him gave me a look with his head tilted to the side.

I stepped ahead and bypassed him, taking the lead to where I didn't know. I wanted to be sure he understood I wasn't going to listen to him, and also to know the source of the evidence he was going to get for me. Not like I didn't believe him, but I had my own doubt.

Few steps and I was out of the room which I think is his office, but I still couldn't see any sign of Enoch following me. Thankfully, I saw one of the men he spoke to earlier and I knew it was my only chance to know where to go.

"Take me to the place your boss is going and don't say no." I said commandingly to the man and all he could do was stare at me in shock, then he bowed and lead the way to an old and shabby wooden door, which we had to take several turns before getting to it.

Just when he was about to open the door for me to enter, a commanding voice stopped him and I didn't have to look to know who it was. "I'll take it from here, you can leave." Enoch said strictly from behind us.

Due to the many turns and strange looking place I was being lead to, I didn't realize Enoch following us. He held my shoulders and turned me forcefully but slowly, making me look at him as he held my chine and lifted my head.

"Are you sure you can be in there?" He asked and I just nodded my head to say yes, even though I didn't know what was behind those doors.

"Then promise you won't stop me no matter what I do." I heard Enoch's voice, which got me out of my thoughts on what could possibly be in that room.

I really wanted to make the promise he was asking for, but promising him something I don't know anything about was what I couldn't do. I kept staring at him till I felt his soft lips on mine, after which he spoke to me in a way I couldn't understand.

"Don't do that to me again, it makes me week." Enoch muttered in a husky voice, his eyes as if he needed sleep.

I couldn't understand what he meant or what I even did to get him weak, but before I could understand or asked anything, he held my hand and pushed the doors open, which he entered with me tailing behind him.

Two men, tied to their seats from the waist down, with their hands cuffed to a small table between them as they sat facing each other in a dark room with just a single lamp, brighting only their faces and a part of the table.

The only clothe they had on was a boxer shorts, which looked as dirty just like their skin. They looked really unkept, as if they hadn't had their bath in days, but with just a look, I could tell who they were and why they were in that room.

Few minutes after Enoch and I got to the room, another man entered with a small bag that looked like a brief case. At first I thought it belongs to Enoch and what's in might be files, but actually, it was filled with different kinds of equipment used for torturing people.

Yes, the room we were in was the interrogation room, and there was no doubt Enoch was going to torcher those two men. They were the same men who tried to molest me, but still, I was scared of what Enoch was going to do to them.

The only empty seat in the room was dragged along the floor by Enoch and I jolt out of my thoughts, but before I could tell what he was up to, he held my waist and made me sit on his lap. I couldn't care less who was watching, because I was scared and needed him to be by me side.

Just when we got settled on the seat, the interrogation begin and the man in prison uniform asked several questions as he tortured them, but the two men kept enduring his cruel torture instead of complying. Enoch was getting more and more upset and I knew he wished I was not there so he could be the one to interrogate them.

"Do you know that boss of yours who run from the cells is dead?" I asked all of a sudden, fuming with anger, and in the next minute, the only hope the men had disappeared, replace with fear.

"That can't be ture, he promised to come back for us." One of the men said. The very one who got me into their trap.

"Oh really? Is that why you don't want to talk? Then am sorry to inform you that he's dead, and guess who killed him?" I asked sarcastically, and I knew my questions were getting into the men, but there were two other men who couldn't believe how easy I was making the criminals talk.

"The same person who ordered you to rape me, was the one who killed him, and we just arrested her." Just when I finished my statement, I noticed a tear dropped from the eyes of one of the men, and I was sure I did my job well.