Prologue - A Living Miracle

What do you think a miracle is?

For many people, it's an outcome you could only ever dream of. Something you always wanted to happen, but never did you think that it would actually come to pass.

For most people, the miracles they want are to be famous, to have tons of money, or to maybe even find love. But for the young Marcus Veridan, what he wanted was far different from anything like that.

And it was only in a middle school classroom – with the seats and the desks strung all across the floor, with his face bloodied and covered with bruises, with his body lying on the ground, with hopelessness and despair consuming his heart – did he finally get to see his miracle come true.

"Why? Why didn't you just leave?" a defeated Marcus begged, "You have no reason to help me, so why are you still here, Ronnie?!"

The person he was talking to was his best friend, Ronnie Everst. He was standing in front of Marcus, protecting him from a fellow classmate wielding a metal baseball bat. Despite his legs shaking, despite the blood dripping off his forehead, Ronnie was still standing tall.

"You're my friend," Ronnie begins to say, "What other reason do I need besides that?"

As Marcus looked at Ronnie, he no longer just saw his friend.

No, what he saw instead was nothing short of a living miracle.

The Miracle Clinic ~ START!