Chapter 55 - Sun Shorts Collection No. 10

SUN SHORT #1 - Old Man's Successor

At The Dawnbreak Fitness & Health Center, Christopher Wrinkle is doing bench presses while Ronnie spots over him. Despite him being there, it feels like Christopher didn't even need someone to spot him due to how effortlessly he is doing his routine. Finally, when he stops, Christopher gets up and wipes down his station.

"Thanks for the help bro," Christopher says.

"Uh don't mention it, though I barely helped," Ronnie replies.

"Nonsense, it's always important to spot someone."

"I guess."

As the two begin to walk towards the entrance of the gym, they notice the owner of the gym, a buff old man by the name of Garry Jackingson, talking to someone they've never seen at the gym before; Mesto-Presto.

"Mesto? What are you doing here," Ronnie asks.

"Oh, nothing, I just go here sometimes," Mesto remarks casually.

"Sometimes?" Garry Jackingson chuckles, "Back when we first met you came here every day!"

"Yeah because you always dragged me over here to train," Mesto sighs.

"Of course! Because you're my disciple!" Garry laughs.

As Garry laughs, Ronnie realizes that the disciple that Alex & Blanko were taunted with, the one whom Garry always compared everyone to, was the skinny Mesto-Presto.

"You're just full of surprises are you?" Ronnie asks Mesto.

"I mean, I don't need to tell you my whole life, y'know," Mesto adds.

Christopher extends his hand toward Mesto and says, "Well I hope to see you around the gym more bro!"

Mesto daps Christopher up and replies "Yeah, though I need to get going, my kids need to get picked up at the daycare."

Mesto walks away and out of the gym, as Ronnie watches him leave, he begins to wonder that if a person working at a Mexican restaurant could have so much going on in his life, what does that mean for all the other people in his life?

SUN SHORT #2 - A Grip So Tight It Chokes

The dim vibrant lights illuminate the nightclub of Club Azure as someone walks down the steps into the main area. That man is the CEO, Jerry Pitt. Once he gets towards the bar he takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves on his purple button-up shirt. The club is currently getting ready to open to the public as some workers are wiping down tables and seats.

Jerry glances over to see his two most loyal allies – the head of security Martin McBridge & the Arrow of Club Azure Li-Wei Zhang – approaching him.

"So how'd it go with Burrito Bistro?" Martin McBride asks.

"They refused, but don't worry when I'm done with the north side." Jerry begins to say before he slams his fist onto the metal bar, "They're going to regret not refusing my offer."

"I see, though if we want to take over the North and the East then we'll need to up our game," Li-Wei replies as he lights up a cigarette.

"I agree, Li-Wei, let every member know," Jerry Pit says as he lifts his fist, "Starlight High is our next target."

SUN SHORT #3 - Ghostly Encounters

On a rainy morning in the middle of winter, Ray Ramirez is walking into the teachers' lounge with his hair down and casual clothing. He goes to the coffee machine and pours himself some coffee. 

The lights aren't on in the room but the room is still lit up by the outside world. Ray begins to drink his coffee as he looks out the window.

"Why am I even drinking this shit? I don't even like it," Ray remarks as he sips his coffee.

As he stares out at the rain, he can hear the noise of someone slurping something. When he looks towards the table, he notices X Locke there sipping some apple juice. X is wearing a black jean jacket over a white sweater, khakis, and a pair of light-up Skechers. X is drinking some apple juice.

"Lovely weather innit?" X jokes.

"How did you even get in here?" Ray groans.

"Woah calm down big guy, I was going to talk with the math teacher – Jefferson – but it seems he isn't here," X says as he drinks some more apple juice out of the carton.

"Just don't take too much of my time, alright?" Ray asks.

"I won't," X says before asking, "So when are you going to cut your hair?"

"When are you going to cut yours? I can't even see your eyes because your hair is covering it," Ray retorts.

"Touche," X says as he tries to think of something else to say.

Suddenly the lights on the coffee machine start to flicker as thunder begins to occur outside.

"Say, there was one thing I've heard through the grapevine," X says.

"Oh really? Are you gonna put it in a book or something?" Ray jokes.

"Maybe I will, but what I heard is that Starlight High," X begins to say as lightning flashes the whole room, "has a ghost."

SUN SHORT #4 - A Terrible Day For Rain

Outside of Starlight High, in the pouring rain are 3 high schoolers; Ronnie Everst, Marcus Veridan, & Alex Smith. The three are running to try to get into the school as the downpour only worsens. They manage to get in and all begin to catch their breath.

"Finally we made it," Marcus sighs in relief.

"I would've made it here quicker if I just went my normal route," Alex grumbles.

"Yeah, though it doesn't look like many people are here," Ronnie says as he looks at the empty halls. The only light being the sunlight and the occasional lightning from outside.

"Yeah I'm surprised they didn't cancel school today, I heard most of the teachers didn't even show up," Alex adds.

As the three begin to walk to class, the three notice a locker door open very slowly, the noise that comes from it being so loud the three have to cover their ears until it stops.

"The hell is with that locker?" Alex asks.

"Maybe it's The Ghost of Starlight High!" Marcus suggests enthusiastically.

"Oh please not this again," Ronnie rolls his eyes.

"There's a ghost here?" Alex chuckles.

"The rumors say that it only appears on rainy days when barely anyone shows up, so if it is real, we'll be seeing it soon," Marcus remarks.

"Oh please, there's no such thing as ghosts," Alex laughs.

As they continue to make their way to class, a part of Alex's mind begins to wonder if maybe, just maybe, the school really is haunted.

See You Next Chapter!~