Chapter 63 - It Ends Tonight

At Burrito Bistro, Mesto-Presto is giving his twin babies, Landon & Avery, some of their baby food. As he's giving them their food, three people are sitting at the biggest table in the restaurant. Those three are none other than Alex Smith, Elizabeth Moore, & Marcus Veridan.

"So, who's all going to help us take down Club Azure?" Alex asks.

"Well I tried talking to Ronnie but he hasn't been texting back," Marcus replies.

"I was gonna ask Christopher but that guy is just a jacked-up teddy bear," Alex sighs.

"You guys remember when we did that game of capture the flag?" Elizabeth asks.

"Oh with Crunch and Suzy?" Marcus inquires.

"Yeah, well I tried to see if they would want to help," Elizabeth begins to say, "And while they both said no, Crunch did mention-"

Before she could finish what she was going to say, the doors to Burrito Bistro open as two people enter the building.

"Do you know how long it was to take the train here?" One of them says.

Seeing them, Marcus smiles as he says, "I'm glad you two managed to show up!"

"Yeah well, we're here for our own means," The other replies as they sit down next to the group.

Now with them are the two Seastar High students as well as Dirty Fang members, Vanessa Deli & Blanko Deck.

"Vanessa? Blanko?!" Alex exclaims, "Why are you guys here?"

"I managed to get in touch with Vanessa over the store's phone," Marcus says, "You did say we needed all hands on deck."

"I know it's just," Alex sighs before he glares at Vanessa, "You could have tried to talk to us more after that stunt you pulled."

"I'm…I'm sorry I got you all involved with the incident at the gala," Vanessa begins to say, "After I got done with my community service, I was trying to keep more of a low profile so I didn't try talking to you all."

"She was just nervous," Blanko admits, causing Vanessa to blush.

"Blanko!" Vanessa grunted.

"It's fine," Alex says, "Though hopefully the next time all of us get together it's under better circumstances."

Everyone nods in agreement before Elizabeth says, "I don't want to be rude but are you sure you guys want to help us?"

Vanessa nods before saying, "I overheard Jerry mentioning that Club Azure was going to go after Dirty Fang soon. I was planning on telling everyone else but once Marcus reached out, I figured it would be best to take care of it without their help."

"So you didn't ask for any backup?" Alex sighs.

"Nope, besides you know how The East Side is," Blanko says, "they don't like working with people from the North."

Vanessa nods in agreement before asking, "So where is Club Azure?"

"Well, it's-," Elizabeth tries to explain but is interrupted by the door opening.

Elizabeth sighs as she and everyone else turn to see four people enter the restaurant. To their shock, the people who enter are Tim of The Three Ts, Tom of The Three Ts, a very bruised Tim-Tom of The Three Ts, & Ronnie Everst.

"Hey sorry I'm late, someone tried to stop me from coming here," Ronnie explains.

"You're lucky I said I would let you get the first few hits in unchecked," Tim-Tom remarks, trying to maintain his ego.

"Sure," Ronnie replies as he's taking a seat.

"How'd you get out of being grounded?" Marcus asks confused, "And why are The Three Ts with you?"

"It's a long story but to make it short. They know where Club Azure is, and they're gonna tell us," Ronnie says with a smirk.

"That won't be nece-" Elizabeth tries to say but gets cut off once more.

"Since you kids are so dead set on dying, we'll have to be your chaperones across Club Azure," Tim-Tom shrugs, "As for where it is, Club Azure is located at the one, the only-"

"I ALREADY KNOW WHERE CLUB AZURE IS!" Elizabeth yells, finally finishing her sentence.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Alex asks.

"You guys kept interrupting me," Elizabeth sighs.

Tom pats Tim-Tom's back as a way to comfort him for being useless once again while Elizabeth explains, "I texted Crunch and he said that while he didn't want to help, he does know where Club Azure is since someone invited him there. He texted me the address."

"That's great!" Ronnie says, "Now then are you all ready to head out? There's no turning back once we do."

"We gotta go help out Cameron so of course we're in this," Elizabeth remarks.

Alex gives a thumbs up in agreement while Marcus nods.

"We need to make sure Club Azure doesn't even get the chance to attack Dirty Fang," Vanessa remarks, with Blanko agreeing.

"And we need to make sure you kids don't do anything too dangerous," Tim-Tom remarks while Tim & Tom nod.

"Well then it's settled," Ronnie says as he stands up, "It ends tonight."

He along with everyone else gets up from the table and begins to walk out from the restaurant. As they do so, Marcus tells Mesto, "Thanks for the chips!"

Now that everyone else is gone, Mesto sighs as he looks at the empty table, "Of course, they didn't tip me again today."

As he's about to continue watching over his children, the doors to the restaurant open and Mesto looks to see his boss, Cedro Garcia, entering with Hunter Huntingson behind him.

"Evening Mister Garcia," Mesto says as he waves at them.

"Hey Mesto," Mister Garcia nods, "Hope you didn't have trouble with the restaurant."

"It wasn't anything of concern," Mesto says before he looks over to Hunter, "Let me guess, you want some chips?"

"No," Hunter remarks before whispering, "chips and salsa."

Mesto rolls his eyes as he goes and grabs some before handing it to Hunter. As Hunter begins to eat, Mesto looks out the window and towards the night sky.

"Everything alright Mesto?" Garcia asks.

"Oh it's fine, it's just," Mesto begins to mention, "a bunch of people came in earlier and they were all headed to Club Azure to try and take it down."

"And you wanted to go with?"

"What? No I-" Mesto begins to say but Hunter stops him.

"You should go," Hunter says, "From what I've heard, that place has been trying to screw you two over for a while. You should settle the score with them. Show them you ain't no pushover."

"While I appreciate the thought, I can't just leave from work, and besides I thought you were the one to always try and pick fights with people like that," Mesto remarks.

"I usually do but if I tagged along with him and the others after what I did it would be…uncomfortable," Hunter says, "So you should go in my place and besides, it looks like you really want to."

Mesto looks at his hands to notice that they're clenched and shaking. Seeing this Garcia sighs and just says, "You know, from my schedule sheet it says you haven't taken a 30-minute break yet. We're almost done for the day so you should take it now."

Mesto looks at Garcia and Hunter and smiles, "Thanks, you guys. Can you watch over Landon & Avery for me?"

"Of course," Garcia says.

"Good," Mesto begins to say as he exits the restaurant, "Because I'm going to be taking more than just 30 minutes for my break."


In Club Azure, several top employees are walking down the hall of the employee-only section of the nightclub. The hallway has beige tiles on the ground, red-painted walls, and red neon lights lighting up the place. At the end of the hall is the CEO's office while there are several break rooms attached to the hallway.

Walking down the hallway are the CEO of Club Azure; Jerry Pitt, the field specialist and Arrow of Club Azure; Li-Wei Zhang, Club Azure's Business Analyst; Marcy Murphy, The Head of Security; Martin McBride, Club Azure's Finest Bartender; Logan Stewart, and Club Azure's Top Seller; Cal Hound.

"So, how's the new push on fake IDs?" Jerry asks.

"It's going great, sales have tripled since last week," Maecy Murphy says as she looks over to one of the breakrooms.

In the breakroom are several drugged-up workers, including Cameron Dots, all tricked into this position.

"That's good, and how are the preparations for attacking Dirty Fang?" Jerry Pitt asks.

"We should be all set to attack them by tomorrow," Li-Wei explains.

"Only thing we need is your order and we'll go," McBride states.

"Excellent," Jerry Pitt says, "Then it's decided. Tonight we'll celebrate taking control of the north, tomorrow it'll be the east, and after that? the whole city will soon fall into line."

As the group makes their way to the office, none of them could predict what was about to come. For despite their planning and success, they forgot about one thing.

And that thing was… just how many enemies they've made.


Up on the streets, several bouncers are standing by the entrance to Club Azure all preparing to open up for the night.

"Hey did you hear, we might be getting a raise soon," One of the bouncers replies.

"Finally, I've been sick of how much money those ID sellers get instead of us," Another remarks.

As they celebrate amongst themselves two figures walk towards the group of bouncers. One of them has blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, and white skin. He's wearing pink-tinted sunglasses, a green denim jacket over a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and a gold chain. The other has dark skin, a poofy black afro, a muscular build, and blue eyes. He's wearing baggy black sweatpants, a sleeveless white hoodie, glasses, and red fingerless gloves.

"Hey is this Club Azure?" The man with the pink shades asks the group.

"Yes it is, but we're closed for the day," One of the bouncers begins to say however they're interrupted when the man with the pink shades proceeds to throw a flurry of punches at him,

When the bouncer goes down, the man with the pink shades, also known as Timothy Mcgee, member of The Three Ts, states, "Perfect."

"What in the-" Another bouncer tries to say but the man with the sleeveless hoodie delivers an uppercut that knocks him out.

"We'll take care of everyone out here, you guys head inside!" The man with the sleeveless hoodie, Thomas Dolby, yells.

As he yells that the rest of their group – Ronnie Everst, Alex Smith, Elizabeth Moore, Marcus Veridan, Tim-Tom Pitt, Vanessa Deli, & Blanko Deck – all walk past Tim & Tom. 

As they then enter the nightclub and walk down the steps, Ronnie remarks, "It's time to party. And we're gonna party hard!"

See You Next Chapter!~