S2 Chapter 34 - The Not-So-Great Escape

Author's Note ~ Hey everyone so you may have noticed there's a 'bit of a gap' in between last chapter's release and this one.To be honest I didn't have any intention to go on hiatus. The reason why I did was just kind of a mix of being so busy that I had to give up all the free time I would have dedicated to Miracle Clinic and just not feeling too well. I wanted to return as soon as I could but when I finally did have the time once more, it felt like everything I wrote couldn't match what I had in mind when I first envisioned. That and just not feeling too well caused me to consider putting the series on indefinite hiatus or cancelling the series out right. However it was only when I started righting the notice of hiatus did something finally ignite within me and I began to pick up the series again. As an apology for the hiatus I plan on releasing a chapter every 1-3 days until the arc is completed which should leave us off around the same time the arc would've ended if the hiatus didn't occur. I don't know if the arc is still exactly as great as what I first envisioned but I hope you can tolerate my incompetence and find enjoyment in these next few chapters. Sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy!


The moonlight bathes the abandoned Heartbreak Motel in shades of blue as Willy 'Worcester' White sits atop a busted red convertible. He's managed to find the one spot on the car that isn't covered in dirt, dust, and moss.

Standing next to the car is a lower ranking Massachusetts Boys member writing on a paper stuck to a noteboard.

"Hey, whatcha writing?" Worcester asks.

"Those intruders that the others are taking care of," the member explains, "I'm trying to assess their power level."

"Power level?" Worcester questions, "What are you some fuckin' nerd?"


"Well, at least you're honest…..so what do you have?"

The member looks over to the center of the motel lot where three teens are fighting their way through a bunch of other lower ranked members. The one that's clearly the weakest of the bunch being the scrawny Marcus Veridan, who's mostly being protected by the other two teens; Hunter Huntingson & Christopher Wrinkle.

"The kid with the messy hair is clearly the strongest," the member remarks, "He's just hiding behind them so he can save up his strength for you."

"I'm quite intimidated," Worcester laughs before pointing at Hunter, "What about scar-boy?"

Hunter is currently battling two members at once, and despite no longer having his bat, he manages to make quick work of the both of them by slamming their heads into the motel wall.

"He's good, but nowhere near their leader's level. Just looking at him you can tell that kid's never held a weapon before in his life and gets by with his fists."

"Wow you got all that just from a few hits from him?"

"I've always had 20/20 vision," the member smirks while adjusting their glasses, "There's no way my calculations are wrong. And as for the beefy guy…"

The two's attention turns to Christopher, who's jumping in the air before throwing a punch at a gang member, however none of his attacks land and he almost trips himself when he lands.

"He's clearly the worst one there," the member laughs, "Sure he may have the muscles, but his technique is worse than my handless grandma!"

Christopher takes a step back as he makes a fist.

"He sure is persistent," Worcester remarks.

"He's clearly going for some superman punch, but that hardly does anything. Only an idiot that would never land a punch would keep doing that same move over and over agai-"


In an instant an unconscious body flies through the air and hits the snarky member knocking him the fuck out.

Worcester whistles.

Christopher's punch has finally landed on someone.

"Well, if I were to take a gander," Worcester ponders as he creates a frame with his fingers toward the two knocked out members, "I'd say that your whole analysis was full of shit."

As Worcester continues to sit atop the car, Hunter continues to fight his way through the group of Massachusetts Boys Members.

Despite the large number of enemies he's facing, there's only one on Hunter's mind.






Inside the rundown August Leaves Mall, a small group consisting of Alex Smith, Selina Gulvonac, Randy Buzz, Tim McGee, & Tom Dolby are in the process of running for their lives from the hundreds of Massachusetts Boys members hot on their trail.

"WHAT DO WE DO- WHAT DO WE DO?!" Randy panics as he runs.


"SHUT UP SELINA!" The other four yell.

Alex, leading the pack, looks behind to see all of the people chasing him, he then looks forward to see up ahead is a sign for the food court.


Randy Buzz quickly speeds up making a beeline for the soon to come foodcourt.

"Oh thank god! I never thought I'd ever be happy to see a Cinnabon ever again!" Randy screams as he turns the corner, "SWEET & CINNAMONY FREEDOM HERE WE COME-"

Randy's face drops as his eyes finally take in the sight of the food court…and all of the Massachusetts Boys members eating there.

Alex, Tim, Tom, & Selina finally catch up to Randy and grab him before the now even larger mob gives chase after them. 

"Upstairs, move it people!" Alex yells as he makes his way up the stairs.

The others quickly follow as food is now being hurled their way from the mob.

"Why'd we go upstairs, there isn't an exit up here!" Randy yells.

"Hey Tim & Tom! Yours & Tim-Tom's bikes are parked outside right?" Alex yells.

"Yeah but Tim-Tom has the keys for his," Tom grumbles.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Alex says as he continues to stomp up the stairs, "When we reach the top, I want us to break off into two groups. Tim & I go left, everyone else go right. Got it?"

Everyone nods their head as they're just about to reach the top.

"Alright bubs!"

Their feet finally make contact to the second floor's- well, floor.


Selina, Randy, Tom, & Tim rush right while Alex rushes left. The half of the mob decide to follow Alex while the other half follow the rest.

"WHAT THE HELL TIM!!!" Alex yells.



Alex can't complain for long as a store on his side of the floor catches his eyes.

'Beds, More Beds, & Even Beds INside Beds!'

Seeing this as his opportunity, Alex rushes inside the bed store. 

As The Massachusetts Boys swarm inside the bed store, they find Alex nowhere to be seen. Their ninth-in-command and captain of the basketball team Alex is in, Victor 'Lynn' Dunnerman, makes his way through the mob and slowly begins to walk deeper into the building.

"So this was your game plan? Have us all beat you up here so you could lay in one of these beds?" Victor laughs, "I didn't think you'd be stupider than Christopher, but guess I was wrong."

Victor makes his way from aisle to aisle of beds but doesn't see Alex.

"Come on," Victor remarks as he spots a strand of hair sticking up above a hiding spot, "I know where you are!"

Victor rushes up toward the bed and looks over it to see-


A zombie?!

As Victor faints from the horror, the zombie shakes a bit and cackles before…

It stops moving?

Before anyone can think- several skulls begin to be tossed out toward the members causing mass pandemonium. 

Using the opportunity he created, Alex manages to come out from his hiding spot behind a large stack of mattresses revealing that the store he was hiding in was the store with all of the 'use later in party' props that were forgotten about. Now the only thing in both of his hands is a countless amount of balloons.

"How stupid do you gotta be to think zombies are real Vincent?!" Alex laughs as he runs toward the large swarm of Massachusetts Boys members. 

"HEY HIS NAME IS VICTOR!" One of them yells.

Alex picks up his pace as he leaps atop one of the beds and begins to hop across them. Several of the thugs try to grab at him but Alex manages to slip on by. When he finally reaches the last bed closest to the entrance, he jumps as high as he can toward the ceiling.

Because of all the balloons, Alex manages to float in the air above all the other members.

"HEY GRAB HIM!" One of them yells.

"We're trying but we just can't reach him!" Another yells.

Alex laughs as he continues to make his way closer to the front of the store. Finally in one swift motion, Alex lets go of the balloons and grabs onto a handle for the security gate. He pulls it down as he descends, just managing to get out of the store before the gate fully slams onto the ground.

"Well bubs," Alex laughs as he dusts off his hands, "I don't think you're gonna be getting out of this anytime soon!"

The large mob look at Alex stunned.

"Try catchin' some Zs while you're trapped in there, it'll help pass the time," Alex taunts.

Alex begins to triumphantly march away, contempt with his victory over his enemies-

"Found the handle!"

Alex turns to stone as he sees the gate open up and all of the members of The Massachusetts Boys to come pouring out once more.

"You should've locked it if you wanted us to stay put!" One laughs.

"Your lack of basic logic should be studied!"

Alex groans as he begins to sprint away from the more ferocious mob.

"I bet the others are having it easier than me!" Alex mumbles.


In one of the mall's massage parlors, one of the members is being given a massage by another.

"Oh man, your skills are just so good!" the thug laying on the massage table moans.

"Thank you, my skills as a massage therapist and chiropractor have been passed down throughout my family for generations," the thug performing the massage explains, "Now you may feel a little pain in this next motion but do not worry it'll fade quickly."

"I- I can handle it."

"Okay then, take a deep breath and-"

The doors to the massage parlor swing open as Tim, Tom, Selina, & Randy all burst in riding animal scooters which all ride over and hit the person on the massage table. They're being chased by a large group of gangsters who proceed to trample all over the same dude.

Tim looks behind him as they race toward the back end of the store.

"Did we just kill that guy?" Tim asks on his rhino scooter.

"No, we only gave him a light massage with our scooters," Selina yells on her zebra scooter.

The four slam through the door leading to the back employee's only corridor that connects every store together. It's much narrower than any other place in the building which causes the large mob to slow down. All except for one member wearing roller skates and a tape measure.

"Just you wait," the roller skater shouts as they shoot out their measuring tape, "my tape measure can stretch for yards upon yards upon yards upon yards upon yards upon-"

The tape measure lands on the back of Selina's animal scooter, however she simply grabs it with one hand and tugs it forward, causing the roller skater to fall flat on her face.

"All those yards yet you still couldn't even make the distance," Selina taunts as she continues to drive ahead.

"Look ahead!" Tom shouts.

The group looks to see that the hallway is soon coming to a staircase. 

"WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" Randy shouts.

Despite Randy's fears, everyone continues to speed ahead toward the staircase. When they get there, Tim & Tom manage to ride their animal scooters down the bumpy stairs fine while Randy manages to spin out of control and begins to twirl through the air on his scooter. Selina, who has her scooter grinding down the rail, manages to snap a picture of Randy in the air before he manages to somehow land perfectly on the first floor.

"I-I'm alive?! I'm alive!" Randy breathes.

The group turn out into a clothes store, just managing to avoid all of the stands of – you guessed it – clothes, thugs trying to grab them, and even one particular Massachusetts Boys member who is having one helluva time counting all the people chasing the four.

Now back out on the main area of the mall, Tim looks up at the second floor to see Alex being chased by the other part of the angry mob, with one person very logically tossing art supplies at him.

"YO ALEX!" Tim yells up.

Alex, seeing them, begins to run faster as he gets closer to the railing of the second floor. 

Without a second thought, he hops over the railing, lands and rolls down the fallen statue broken by a fist, and then when he reaches the bottom he hops onto Tim's scooter just as it passes by.

With the mob at the second floor trying to find a way down and the mob on the first floor a good way behind them, the reunited group slightly celebrate.

"I thought you were a goner dude!" Randy shouts.

"Way to have faith in me," Alex grumbles.

"C'mon, we're almost at the food court so we should hop on those bikes and get out of here!" Selina yells.

As they turn the corner into the food court, they look to see that its now empty, save for one person. Trisha 'Amherst' Bernstein, the No. 10 of The Massachusetts Boys, leader of the cheerleading squad at Starlight High, & Victor Dunnerman's girlfriend.

"Hey you-" Trisha tries to yell at them however the group quickly ignore her as they get to the door and hop off their scooters.

Tim & Tom burst out of the mall with Selina & Randy soon to follow. Tim begins to fiddle with his keys as he tries to start up his motorcycle while Tom gets his turned on easily. Alex, who's the last to leave the mall, turns to look at Trisha.

"What were you trying to say?" Alex asks.

"What I was trying to ask is how did you find out about our attack?" Trisha questions.

"What attack?"

"That shitty bookstore that bookworm works at!" Trisha yells, "We're going to be destroying that place later tonight, how did you find out about that!?"

Alex's eyes widen as he realizes what he's just been told, however he can't think too much as the mob begins to make its way into the food court.


Tim, who just hit the horn on his motorcycle, yells, "What are you doing? We gotta go!"

Selina is riding on the back of Tom's motorcycle while Randy is riding on the back of Tim's. Alex hesitates for a moment as he reaches toward the glass door.

However his hesitation fades as he slams the security gate down and locks it, trapping him inside the mall with the whole mob.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Tom yells.

"They're gonna attack the bookstore so you need to get there as quick as possible, and it'll be tricky for three people to ride on one motorcycle," Alex explains through the gate.

"What?! But what are you gonna do?!" Selina yells.

"Buy you some time," Alex smirks, "Now get going! I already made up my mind, so you better not make me start feeling wishy-washy!"

Tom & Tim look at one another for a moment before nodding.

"You better know what you're doing!" Tom yells as he begins to drive off with Tim in short pursuit.

"Of course I do," Alex says as he begins to rush toward the mob ready to fight them all, "The number of fighters is a pretty big handicap y'know, so you better fork over a ton of cash when I'm through with all of you!"


Cold air fills up the Roots Co. Warehouse as Frankfurt 'Fall River' Schulz makes his way through the warehouse in pursuit of two individuals. The whole warehouse is filled with large bodies of meat dangling off silver hooks.

"You sounded oh so confident with that talk of butchering me, yet where did you go?" Frankfurt remarks as he scours about, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you scared little piggies get taken care of quickly."

"You think we're scared?"

As Frankfurt turns to take a look at where the voice came from, he sees a large slab of raw meat swing at him.

Frankfurt manages to just barely step out of the way only to see Sammy Becken with her rooster mask on lunging at him from above and Vanessa Deli in with her kitsune mask on going in for an attack from below.

The two's fists land simultaneously in different areas of Frankfurt's body.

"I think you'll soon realize who here is afraid of The Big Bad Wolf," Sammy says in delight.

As Vanessa readies to continue the fight, she can't help but reminisce of an infamous encounter she had the year prior.

Her first meeting with The Big Bad Wolf of Seastar High.

See You Next Chapter!~