S2 Chapter 46 - Made For Someone

"What? Is it illegal to go shopping for a book now?" Boston questions as he stands inside Starlight City's Bookstore.

As Marcus and Selina stand in the store, watching the sole other entity peruse the store's catalogue, they can't help but feel nervous. If what they heard about him is to be believed, one wrong move and they might become a part of his 'family'-

"Oh my god is that Charlotte's Web?" Boston asks as he picks up the children's book, "I used to love hearing about this when I was a kid."

With the wind taken out of their sails, Selina & Marcus have to fiddle their way around the conversation now.

"We actually have a Five for Five deal going on if you're interested, " Selina offers.

"Why would I want to buy five copies of Charlotte's Web?" Boston questions.

"N-no I meant five of any children's book for five bucks."

"Oh, yeah that sounds like a much better deal."

"You're definitely the first to think the deal was for the same book."

"Ha, I'll take it as a compliment," Boston questions as he delicately picks out some books from the shelf. 

As Marcus stands next to Boston, he can't help but wonder why he even showed up here. His gang was planning on ransacking this building a week ago, and now he's leisurely shopping here?

"Excuse me but-" Marcus begins to say.

"I see the owners' are out right now," Boston comments as he makes his way toward the front register, "I guess I'll just ask you this instead."

Selina is confused as she looks at an outstretched hand from The Leader of The Massachusetts Boys.

"Wanna join my family?" He asks.

Before he realizes what he's doing, Marcus swats his hand away as an anger rises out from him. 

"Hey, what the hell were you trying to do with my sister?!" Marcus demands.

"Your sister?" Boston relaxes, "You two don't really look related….unless, you two are like my family!"

As Marcus takes a step back,he feels Boston place a hand on his shoulder.

"Say, why don't I show you how to really treat a younger sibling?" Boston generously offers.


Standing on the streets outside the Dawnbreak Health & Fitness Center, Ronnie Everst looks at the tall and foreboding Mason Makinsley, his red eyes feeling like they're staring into him.

"What are you doing here?" Ronnie asks.

"Business, I suggest leaving Everst," Mason Makinsley tells him off as he begins to walk away toward the gym.

"Wait!" Ronnie yells out, causing Makinsley to stop, "How do you know my name?"

"How could I not?" Mason Makinsley utters, "You're the boy who infiltrated The East Side, the one who ruined Club Azure, the kid who almost bested The Massachusetts Boys' Number 3, and the nephew of Ryan Everst. You've been drawing attention to yourself for a long time."

Ronnie stands there shocked. Not knowing what to say.

"I think it's best if you stop interfering where you don't belong," Mason Makinsley offers, "Those tapes you've been watching aren't meant to be used so foolishly."

"Those tapes are-!" Ronnie begins to retort when his eyes widen, "H-...How did you know I was viewing those tapes?"

Mason Makinsley lets out a response, one that shakes Ronnie to his core.

"Those tapes, did you seriously never wonder why they were made?"

It's hearing those words that it all finally clicks.

The nine tapes his father recorded.

The fighting lessons James described in each one of them.

They were made for a reason.

They were made for someone.

They were made for the person standing in front of him.

They were made for Mason Makinsley.

"This is the only warning I'll give you," Mason Makinsley says as he walks into the gym Ronnie just exited, "Give up. Go live a normal life if you value your own. If you don't, I'll make sure you regret it."

Ronnie stands there, unsure of what to do next, however that's when he receives a text from someone.

A text from Marcus.

'Boston is at the bookstore.'


Bursting through the door to the bookstore, Ronnie has a panicked look on his face.

"Marcus, Selina, are you guys alri-" Ronnie tries to say when.


He's greeted by Marcus, Selina, & Boston all enjoying some tea together.

"Wh-what even happened?" Ronnie questions.

"W-well you see," Selina begins to explain….

"Say, why don't I show you how to really treat a younger sibling?" Boston generously offers.

Marcus has frozen in place, not knowing what to do. However a quick chuckle escapes Boston's lips as he lets go of the young teen.

"Relax, I'm only kidding," Boston laughs, "Though if you see Turnip tell him I got him some tea."

Selina looks confused as she sees Boston lift up some tea he bought from the store.

"It's actually pretty good, you two want to try some?"

"And that's how we got here," Selina says as she sips her tea, "It is pretty good though."

"Ah, you're one of the guests from last Friday," Boston remarks as his green eyes look over Ronnie's, "And Mister Everst's nephew too."

Boston begins to walk toward the exit of the bookstore, however he leaves them with these words, "Sorry for what happened with my men trying to take down this store, we usually have them do background checks. I guess they weren't aware of its history. And Ryan's Nephew, I hope the next time we meet you'll give me an answer to my question."

With Boston gone, the three teens are left standing in the store unsure of what to do next, though after a while, Ronnie heads toward his final destination of the day, the apartment of the three teachers who helped him improve his grades so much.

Though when he finally got there…

"I came over to give you a warning," A figure remarks.

Standing at the doorway confused, Ronnie looks in to see Zesti, Sam, & Ray are discussing something with a man he's seen a few times before. The owner of a local record store and the DJ at the homecoming party; Casey Burns.

"With that photograph out there and tensions rising on all sides, it'll become harder for the three of you to live the way you have been these past few years," Casey explains, "If you aren't careful, you might get dragged back into this whole mess."

"Thanks for the warning, if you want you can stay for dinner," Zesti offers.

"I got plans already," Casey Burns remarks as he walks toward the open door and spots Ronnie standing there.

"How long have you been standing there?" Casey asks.

"Just a few seconds," Ronnie says, "I came by to thank them for helping me study."

"Ah so you're one of their students," Casey Burns remarks as he exits the apartment, "Be careful not to drag the mud on your shoes all over their carpet."

With those seemingly inconspicuous words, Casey Burns has left the apartment leaving Ronnie to talk with the three teachers.

"Sorry I didn't mean to overhear, this whole day's been really weird with how many people I'm running into," Ronnie chuckles as he walks up toward his teachers.

"It's fine, and I'm just glad you did well," Zesti Champion remarks though Ray Ramirez is silent.

Sam Penningberg looks at Ray concerned as the usually verbose man is silent.

Finally after what seems like forever, Ray Ramirez lets out a sentence.

"Your shoes aren't actually muddy, are they?"

"N-no, I don't think they are," Ronnie remarks before lifting up one leg to examine the sole of his shoe, "See, all clean."

"Thought so, that bastard's always speaking in tongues to get his point across."

"Speaking in tongues?"

"He was saying you're involved in something you shouldn't be. Something that could involve us if you don't clean up your act," Ray Ramirez comments as he walks over to the fireplace in the studio apartment, "I can take a guess what it's about too."

Sam Penningberg & Zesti Champion walk over to chat with Ray.

"Hey, do you really think we should tell him?" Penningberg asks.

"Yeah, he's just a kid, we don't need him to learn that," Zesti Champion remarks.

"Learn what?" Ronnie asks.

Instead of replying, Ray tosses a few logs into the fireplace before lighting it with a match.

"Why don't you take a seat kid," Ray begins to tell Ronnie, "I think what I'm about to tell you is going to help with a lot of things on your mind right now. Like what to do with all those gangs you found yourself surrounded by."

Ronnie silently sits down before looking at Sam Penningberg & Zesti Champion. The two are a bit hesitant, however they both lament and decide to sit down.

"This is going to be a long story, but I hope you find meaning in it," Ray Ramirez admits, "I hope you find meaning in my past."

As the fire burns brightly, Ray lets out a sigh as he begins his long and arduous tale.

The tale about his time as a high schooler.

The tale that brought in the current era of the city they all live in.

The Tale of The Beast.



See You Next Chapter!~