Chapter 32: Nothing Better To Do

Gabriel POV

After a beautiful retreat together, Gabriel had a hard time leaving Lucy at her aunt's house. He held her tightly as they hugged inside the front door.

"I don't want you to go," Lucy whispered in his ear, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He squeezed his eyes shut burying his nose in the crook of her neck. It pained him greatly having to leave her. He wished he could stop time so they could enjoy each other's company in peace, with no more interruptions.

"Please promise me I'll see you soon," Lucy said and kissed his cheek.

"Yes, I'd like to have you over at my place. I'll make dinner, and you should stay the night," Gabriel said with a wink.

"Can't have me away from your bed for too long, huh?" Lucy giggled with a blush.

"Freckles, if I had my way you'd never leave my bed. Sometime I'd like to talk more about our future, you -" Gabriel was interrupted by Samson pounding down the stairs,holding onto a sweatshirt in apparent haste.