Lucy POV
"You're stealing me?" Lucy answered questioningly looking from Sara and Gabriel.
"Oh hell no, I can't compete with the best friend. Seriously, she's mine Sara," Gabriel said with a fake teasing aggression pretending Sara was a new contender for Lucy's heart.
"Wow, okay lover-boy, chill." Sara laughed, waving dismissively at Gabriel. "I'm taking you mini-golfing. Beers and mini-golf, what a great combination. You, me, and your aunt who I just met. What a lovely creature."
Lucy stood there with surprise. "Mini-golf?"
"Yeah, I thought it would be a good distraction after what happened. Your aunt told me everything," Sara answered, gesturing toward the door. "Come on, there's no time to waste. They close when the sun goes down so we got to hurry."
"Wait, before you go," Gabriel grabbed Lucy's arm as he finished saying, "can you please give me a kiss?"