The Recruits’ Assessment!

On a desolate and open plain, dust and sand were all the eyes could see. 90 recruits wearing 07 camouflage uniforms, holding 95 automatic rifles, stood neatly in lines.

In front of them was a red banner with the words "Iron Fist Regiment Recruit Assessment" written on it.

The recruits were nervous and excited because today was the assessment. This also meant that they would end the three months of being in the new recruit division and truly start their journey in the People's Liberation Army.

Old Hei saluted Gong Jian.

"Comrade instructor, the preparations for the recruit division assessment are complete. Please give us your instructions!"

"Please wait for a moment." Gong Jian returned the salute.

"Yes, sir!" Old Hei put down his right arm and turned around. "Attention!"

After the recruits were all gathered, Old Hei returned to the formation. Gong Jian looked at them and said in a deep voice,

"Let me remind you, starting today, our training period has ended! Whether you were a mule or a horse, you all have been pulled for a walk! I hope you can get the best results. Are you confident?!"

"Yes!" The recruits shouted, their ears deafening.

Old Hei stepped forward.

"I hereby announce that the new recruit assessment has officially begun!"

Then he raised his gun and fired at the sky. With this gunshot, the assessment officially began.

The Iron Fist Regiment's assessment was different from that of ordinary force recruits. There were more subjects to learn and they were significantly more difficult. The Iron Fist Regiment's recruit force was the division that all the recruits in the military region were most unwilling to come to.

The first test was to climb a rocky formation with one's bare hands. The formation was five meters, and two people were placed in a group.

The first group consisted of Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang. They were very fast, and the recruits were not surprised.

After all, their physical fitness was there for all to see. The recruits had discussed in private that if there were two spots for Sharpshooters, it would be the two of them. If there was only one spot, it would definitely be He Chenguang.

Their results were equally matched. Even if the recruits couldn't see the timer, they knew that they were very fast.

The second and third groups were relatively ordinary. Not everyone had a strong physique like He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing.

The fourth group was Lin Shu and Li Erniu.

To the surprise of all the recruits, Lin Shu was actually very fast. On the other hand, Li Erniu was slightly slower, but he was still far faster than the other recruits.

"F*ck! Lin Shu is going for it… He doesn't seem any weaker than Chenguang and Yanbing!"

"Is he already so heaven-defying now? How did he train to become like this…"

"Lin Shu's results have improved so much in these past few days. I don't think that this is even his limit."

The recruits whispered in shock. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing looked at each other and saw surprise reflected in each other's eyes. Lin Shu's results were only slightly worse than theirs.

What made them even more incredulous was the next assessment subject.

Gun assembling assessment.

In front of the recruits were a 95 automatic rifle and 92 pistol parts. They were required to assemble the weapons within two minutes.

Just as the other recruits were still fumbling for the parts, their guns not fully assembled, suddenly...

"Report, I'm done!"

A voice boomed in the ears of every recruit. They knew that it was Lin Shu's voice.


Aren't you a little too fast?

How long has it been? Not even a minute?

Even He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu's hands trembled. Lin Shu's voice affected their movements to a certain extent.

But they were right behind his tail.


"Reporting!" Wang Yanbing followed.

... In the end, Li Erniu also completed the assembly. "Report!"

Up until now, the recruit had completed two assessments. Lin Shu was undoubtedly the first in the gun assembly. As for the rock climbing assessment, although he didn't know the exact results, he was probably not much worse than He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing.

The two of them realized how terrifying Lin Shu was. If this continued, it would be very disadvantageous for them!

The two of them looked at each other and instantly understood. They had to work harder in the next assessment. If Lin Shu surpassed them, it would be too embarrassing!

The next assessment was the 400-meter obstacle course.

Bare-handed rock climbing, gun assembly, and even the 400-meter obstacle were not typical tests ordinary recruits do. From this, it could be seen that the Iron Fist Regiment was indeed the famous Sharp Blade Regiment in the entire military region.

In this assessment, Lin Shu's results still stood out above the rest!!

The recruits thought that they were seeing an illusion.

Lin Shu's strength seemed to be on par with He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, or maybe, even stronger…

The assessment was carried out in an orderly manner. Push-ups, parallel bars, sit-ups, squats, and so on.

As for the dozens of recruits in the entire force, they had already gone from the initial shock to numbness. In the end, they could not help but complain in their hearts, "Too overpowered!"

This title was naturally used to evaluate Lin Shu. There was no other reason. No matter which assessment it was, Lin Shu's results were extremely eye-catching.

Today was the longest day for the recruits since they joined the army. They were assessed from morning till night, and their physical exertion was so great that they began to become numb to it. They were like machines, completing test after test.

It wasn't until the next afternoon that the last assessment finally arrived. It was the one test that the recruits were most looking forward to and were most nervous about — the shooting assessment.


The instructor, Gong Jian, was holding a piece of tissue paper and allowed the wind to blow it around. He was expressionless, and no one could discern what he was thinking.

"Instructor, the wind is really strong today!" Old Hei couldn't help but say.

"Yes, the wind is very strong!" Gong Jian nodded and looked at Old Hei. "What are you trying to say?"

"Uh... I-I don't want to say anything." Old Hei paused, realizing that he was talking nonsense. "Can the assessment begin?"

Gong Jian seemed to be a little impatient because of the strong wind. "Begin, begin…"

Old Hei came to a group of recruits who were sitting on the ground.

"Did everyone see that? Today is a good day for shooting practice, but it was not a good day for the assessment! Are you happy?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"You're lying!"

Old Hei paused. "I know, the wind has a certain effect on the trajectory. Are you guys unhappy?!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Then why did you say you were happy a few moments ago?"

"Because we are recruits of the Iron Fist Regiment, squad leader!!"

Old Hei smiled in satisfaction. The soldiers of the Iron Fist Regiment were never afraid! They were heroes and they would compete on the training ground! What was a bit of wind? Infantry division would run all over the mountain…

Were they afraid of the incoming obstacle? Today was the last assessment for the new recruits. It will be over soon. They better cheer up!

"First Squad Leader, get ready to shoot!"

"Everyone in squad one, stand up!"

Immediately, Lin Shu, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu, and the other ten recruits of the first squad stood up. Under the instructions of the squad leader, they walked in front of the shooting position and stood still.

"Halt! Turn left. Turn right!... Lying position. Reload!"

Lin Shu and the others immediately took a lying position to shoot. This scene also aroused the curiosity of the other recruits. They couldn't help but whisper,

"Eh? Do you think Lin Shu can still shoot ten consecutive shots this time?"

"Stop joking. With such a strong wind, it's already amazing enough to get one ten points!"

"That's right. The wind is too strong. No matter how talented he is, he couldn't guarantee that he could do it consecutively!"

"I wonder who among Lin Shu, Chenguang, and Yan Bing will get first place?"

"I think it will be Chenguang. His results are very stable from the start!"

"That's possible. He is the best soldier among the recruits, but I'm more optimistic about Lin Shu. His last shooting results are not as bad as He Chenguang's…"

"It's also very possible that they're tied for first place."

... The recruits continued to talk with one another. They were all looking forward to the results, but the focus of the topic was always on Lin Shu and the other top recruits.

After all, the three of them had all scored 100 points before. Lin Shu's shooting last time had shocked them all!

In fact, it wasn't just them. The platoons and squad leaders, including Old Hei and Instructor Gong Jian, were also looking forward to the three of them performing brilliantly.