Lin Shu Doesn't Know How to Snipe? What a Slap to the Face

Lin Shu naturally noticed He Chenguang's gaze, but he only smiled slightly. He only had one goal:

'I'll f*ck all of you!'

The contest began.

None of the 4th division of Sharpshooters veterans thought highly of Lin Shu and He Chenguang. What kind of waves could two new recruits create? Could they even defy the heavens?

They estimated that they wouldn't be able to shoot well even if they were at a minimum of 400 meters away from the target…

When all the participating soldiers were ready, Gong Jian shouted, "According to the old rules, hitting the target with the colored flag at a distance of 400 meters is considered a success. Gradually move back further away from the target with the colored flag. Whoever is able to shoot the furthest wins!"

As soon as Gong Jian finished speaking, the seasoned soldiers who were watching from behind revealed looks of anticipation. Some of them who were close to the contestants cheered.

Li Erniu from the kitchen was also there. He looked at the backs of He Chenguang and Lin Shu and secretly cheered them on.

When the shooting officially began, the entire stadium instantly fell silent. Everyone's eyes were focused on the 17 contestants.

However, their gazes were mostly on Lin Shu and He Chenguang.

They wanted to see how these two new recruits who dared to participate in the sniper competition would fare among the other experts. Some of them wanted to see how the two of them would embarrass themselves.

Lin Shu and He Chenguang were very calm, especially Lin Shu. He had a calm look on his face as if he had already won.

"His willpower is quite decent, but I don't know how he's doing it."

"I reckon that they will be eliminated in the first round!"

"Just because they're good with rifles doesn't mean they can snipe. I hope they won't be eliminated immediately. Otherwise, it'll be so embarrassing."

Four hundred meters wasn't that far, but there were many things to consider. Not to mention that the target of this assessment wasn't a target, but the flagpole!

The flagpole was a bamboo pole that was about as thick as a finger. For a novice, it was already good enough to hit three out of ten shots!

Back when these veterans entered the Sharpshooter 4th Division, they had practiced with sniper rifles for a month. They were all practicing the basics and looking for a sense of shooting. Lin Shu and He Chenguang, these two recruits, had not even gone through training and had already hit the flagpole… The difficulty was obvious.

"Thirty seconds! Begin!" Gong Jian ordered.

Just as most of the soldiers were calculating the wind speed, air humidity, and so on, suddenly—


Suddenly, a gunshot rang out.

The contestants' hands trembled, and even the other veterans watching the match couldn't help but be stunned. They thought to themselves, which tiger is shooting at me? When they saw that it was Lin Shu, they were speechless!

As expected of a new recruit. Do you think you can shoot rifles? Could he raise his hand and hit the target?

It would be strange if he didn't miss the target!

Although the contestants thought so, they were still in a match. About 15 to 16 seconds later, "bang, bang, bang–" Gunshots rang out one after another.

Within 30 seconds, everyone only had one shot. Those who hit the target would advance, and those who missed would be eliminated!

After all the shooting was over, they announced who would advance and who would be eliminated. Everyone thought that Lin Shu would definitely be eliminated. After all, he was too fierce. He started shooting right after he came up. If they didn't eliminate him, who would be eliminated?

However, the result was beyond their expectations.

Only three people were eliminated in the first round, but Lin Shu and He Chenguang were not among them. In other words, the two of them had successfully entered the second round.

"Is... Is... Is he that lucky?"

"Lin Shu is just confused, right? He fired so quickly, and he managed to break the flagpole!"

"Hehe, there are times when blind cats run into dead mice, but the Goddess of Victory won't be able to take care of them all the time. In the next round with 500 meters distance, there would be even more things that could disrupt their bullets. There's no way they can hit it again!"

"500 meters… Whether they were really skilled or lucky, their true colors would be revealed this time."

Many of the veterans sounded sour.

It was no wonder. They had said with certainty that Lin Shu and He Chenguang would be eliminated in the first round, but they had successfully entered the second round. Regardless of luck or strength, they had indeed been slapped in the face.

Gong Jian's eyes lit up.

He was an excellent political worker, but he was also a good sniper. He had studied abroad and studied sniper tactics. Most importantly, he was the proud disciple of Fan Tianlei, the chief of staff of the Wolf Fang Special Combat Brigade.

Gong Jian knew whether He Chenguang knew anything about sniping or not.

But Lin Shu...

Gong Jian looked at the soldier with a complicated expression. To be honest, he didn't know if Lin Shu had any skills in sniping. After all, Lin Shu's shot was too miraculous. It really looked like he was stunned as well!

"500 meters is a watershed. Let's take a look…" Gong Jian thought.

The competition continued. Just as they said, for most ordinary snipers, 500 meters was indeed a watershed.

A sniper who didn't really master shooting skills and performed steadily would find it difficult to guarantee that he would hit the target.

This time, the time limit was still 30 seconds.

The contestants were still aiming and calculating the wind speed and humidity, but five seconds later…


The first gunshot!

It was Lin Shu again. He only aimed for five seconds before he decisively fired. This scene made the veterans speechless. Do you really think you're the son of the Goddess of Luck? Did he really think that he could get everything right?

... It was a fact that Lin Shu did not know how to snipe at all. It was pure luck!

However, after the shooting ended, these veterans were completely speechless. The corners of their mouths even twitched.

There was no other reason. In the second round of shooting, five people were eliminated, but Lin Shu and He Chenguang were still not on the elimination list. They successfully advanced!

At this moment, the veterans all reacted. Lin Shu and He Chenguang, these two new recruits, were clearly pretending to be pigs to eat tigers! There must be something going on!

The first round could be explained by pure luck, but the second round was 500 meters away and they still managed to snipe the flagpole… Even Lin Shu dared to shoot in five seconds. That could not be described as luck.

You do need luck in sniping, but that was also based on a certain level of skills.

As mentioned before, shooting skills and stability were the basics of a 500m sniper. This was not something that could be determined by luck.

"Uh... I didn't expect this! These two new recruits are so strong!"

"In the Yangtze River, the new generation surpasses the old. I've finally seen it today! I didn't expect Lin Shu and He Chenguang to be so physically strong, and they are very skilled in sniping!"

"Especially that Lin Shu guy… He's simply not human!"

"He made all of us think that he's awesome. Did he know that we were looking down on him? Lin Shu's recruit shooting assessment had shot 10 bullets in one bullet hole!"

"F*ck! Is this for real? Is he still human?"

The veterans laughed bitterly and discussed.

Especially after they heard about Lin Shu's ten bullseye combo, their jaws almost fell to the ground. Now, they were seeing Lin Shu in a new light…

In fact, it wasn't just them. At this moment, the other contestants couldn't help but be prepared in their hearts!

Especially the nine snipers.

Good God!

These two recruits were a little fierce!

They had to be careful moving forward. If these two recruits abused them, they didn't know if the instructor and class monitor would let them off easily, but they would definitely lose face all the way back to their grandmother's house. If word got out, wouldn't they be laughed at by their brothers in the entire force?