Stepping on the Snow Without a Trace!

"To be exact, I was responsible for beheading the regiment commander. The destruction of the military arsenal and the assault helicopters was done by Yanbing."

Lin Shu didn't take all the credit for himself. He emphasized Wang Yanbing's contribution to this operation.

Wang Yanbing couldn't help but admire Lin Shu when he emphasized his contribution twice. Warmth flowed through his heart. He knew that Lin Shu was helping him take credit.

However, Lin Shu's words made it seem as if he had contributed a lot to the exercise. This would not do!

Hence, Wang Yanbing quickly added,

"Instructor, Lin Shu is the mastermind behind this whole plan!"

They even pushed the credit to each other? Was their relationship that good? Gong Jian was surprised.

However, in comparison, Gong Jian was more concerned about how they destroyed the Army Corps. He immediately said, "Alright, we'll talk about who contributed more later. Lin Shu, tell me what happened first."

"Yes, sir!" Then, Lin Shu reported everything from covering the company's retreat to meeting Wang Yanbing, as well as how he thought of setting up the Army Air Corps to the instructor and chief of staff.


After he finished speaking, everyone fell silent and stared at Lin Shu. Everyone's gaze was rather strange as if they were looking at a monster!

"Alright! You went deep into the enemy's rear, destroyed the enemy's large-scale firepower, beheaded the enemy, the two of you... Good job!"

The Chief of Staff finally smiled. He had never expected that there would be such a genius in his regiment who was proficient in special operations. Gong Jian was from the Wolf Fang Special Combat Brigade, so it was not surprising that he knew special operations. However, this private, Lin Shu, actually had such a mature way of thinking. It was really rare!

The chief of staff then asked,

"Lin Shu, I know you. At the beginning of the Sharpshooter 4th Division Sniper Competition and drill, you showed unparalleled sniping skills and military quality. It's just that I didn't expect… You also know about special operations?"

"Uh..." Lin Shu scratched his head and said humbly, "I know a little."

"A little? Hahahaha... You're too humble!" The chief of staff was first amused by Lin Shu's words, then looked at Lin Shu and said seriously,

"You're very resourceful!

"After being separated from your division, surviving the heavy search of the Blue Army alone is not easy for many experienced veterans, let alone a private who has just joined the army for less than a year. Not to mention that you are behind enemy lines, but not only are you not at a loss, you have a clear mind, a good view of the overall situation, and you can apply the special combat methods you know to actual operations. Just based on this point, I dare say that at least half of the platoon commanders in the regiment are not as good as you!"

As soon as he said this, the other commanders of the other companies felt a little embarrassed.

The Chief of Staff was a straightforward person. He did not give them any face at all! Wasn't this just a mockery of how they didn't have any battle ideas just now?

The unspoken meaning was, "Look at you guys. Even a private like him can have ideas and battle plans in such an environment. Look at you guys."

However, although it was a little awkward and they couldn't keep up appearances, they were really convinced by Lin Shu's talent!

What is a genius? This is what you called a genius!

Not only was his individual ability outstanding, but his commanding ability was also outstanding. It was not easy for the Iron Fist Regiment to have such a recruit!!

"Xiao Gong...!" The Chief of Staff didn't care what they thought and shouted at Gong Jian.

Gong Jian quickly responded, "Chief of Staff, please go ahead."

"This young man is not some ordinary soldier! There is a future before him! You have to train him well and make him a class monitor or vice-class monitor later. Do you understand what I mean?" The chief of staff said.

Gong Jian was slightly shocked, but he quickly understood what the Chief of Staff meant. "Understood!"

This was the rhythm of focusing on nurturing Lin Shu! It must be known that there was a rumor in the Southeast Military Region that they were going to issue a document to promote outstanding talents from the grassroots and inject the blood of young officers into the military region.

To be promoted from a soldier to an officer, one basically had to be a squad leader for a year… Therefore, the chief of staff's meaning was self-evident.

Lin Shu stood at the side and listened. He was also happy. This was really an unexpected surprise!

When Wang Yanbing heard this, he was sincerely happy for Lin Shu. He didn't think much of it. To be honest, he wouldn't be surprised if they made an exception and promoted Lin Shu directly. After all, Lin Shu's strength was obvious to all. He was convinced!

"Alright, let's get back to the main topic! Let's continue to study the next step of action."

When Old Hei heard this, he was about to leave with Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing, but the chief of staff suddenly said,

"Let them join us."

The fact that the two private soldiers had the chance to attend a meeting of this level showed how much the Chief of Staff valued and liked Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing.

The people present were not fools. They knew very well what this meant.

This meant that Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing would have a bright future in the Iron Fist Regiment.

The Chief of Staff looked at Gong Jian and said slowly, "I was originally a little worried about your plan, but now... with Lin Shu back, I think the necessary factors you mentioned are already in place, right?"

"Yes, Chief of Staff. Originally, we only had He Chenguang as an excellent sniper. Now that Lin Shu is back, to be honest, I am more confident." Gong Jian said bluntly.

Beheading the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army, Gao Shiwei, was a particularly difficult task. The probability of success was less than one percent.

But now, Lin Shu, Wang Yanbing, and He Chenguang, the three sniping geniuses, were all in place. As long as they did not encounter the Wolf Fang Special Combat Brigade, their success rate was at least 40%!

The Chief of Staff nodded and looked around at the other company commanders. "Are there any objections?"

"No, sir." A few company commanders shook their heads.

"Alright, get ready to move!" The chief of staff made the decision.


They gathered all the sniper rifles in the regiment and distributed them to the 4th Division. This needed to be mobilized. In addition, there were still some details that needed to be finalized for this operation, so Old Hei took Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing back to rest for a while.

At this moment, Li Erniu was distributing compressed biscuits to his comrades.

Seeing Old Hei bringing Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing over, Li Erniu was delighted. "Lin Shu, Yanbing, you're still alive!"

Lin Shu was speechless.

Wang Yanbing gritted his teeth. "Why do you sound so awkward? What do you mean we're still alive? Did you expect us to die?"

"N-no…" Li Erniu realized that he had said something wrong again and quickly corrected himself, "I... I mean, you…You two aren't dead!"

Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing were speechless.

He might as well not explain!

"Hey, don't be angry, I... My mouth is really…" Li Erniu covered his face and was somewhat incoherent for a moment.

"Aiya, my brain! Alright, alright, I know what you mean." Wang Yanbing hurriedly waved his hand. Oh right, where's the 6th Division?"

At this moment, He Chenguang walked over and patted Wang Yanbing's shoulder. He sighed,

"We only found you, the sole member of the 6th Division."

Wang Yanbing's face fell, and his expression became dejected. Even though he had already expected the worst outcome, he still found it hard to accept.

"Let's rest for a while." He Chenguang didn't know how to persuade him.

The two old rivals and old comrades-in-arms should have something to talk about. Seeing this, Lin Shu also found a place to rest. Other than resting, he had something more important to do.

He opened his personal attribute panel.

[Host: Lin Shu]

[Occupation: Soldier (Private)]

[Level: 5 (0/500)]

[Constitution Strength: 6]

[Willpower: 6]

[Combat Awareness: 6]


[1. Rifle Shooting Proficiency (S)]

[2. Sniper Tactics Proficiency (S)]

[3. Eagle's Sight and Snake Movement (SS)]

[4. Hand-to-hand Combat (S)]

[Experience Points: 580]


"Upgrade!" Lin Shu decisively chose to level up.



[Congratulations to the host for reaching Level 6. You may choose one of the following rewards:]

[Reward 1: Skill-S-rank Solo Stealth. After selecting it, the host will automatically master jungle camouflage, mountain crossing, city concealment, and so on. It is one of the essential skills for snipers!]

[Reward 2: Skill-S-rank Special Driving. After selection, the host will automatically master special driving skills such as tanks, infantry vehicles, armed helicopters, ferries, fighter jets, and so on! A must-have skill to become an all-rounded Soldier King!]

[Reward 3: Skill-S-rank Traceless Treading on Snow. After selecting it, the host will automatically master lightness skills. Jumping up and down like falling leaves, walking on flat ground with light steps without raising dust. Coupled with an extremely high physique, any complicated terrain will be as flat as the flat ground!]

Every skill was powerful in its own way. As for the skill infiltration that appeared last time, it didn't appear again, which surprised Lin Shu a little.

Lin Shu first ruled out the Solo Stealth skill. The SS-level Snake Movement skill he had now was similar to Solo Stealth, so he didn't want to use that for the time being.

Lin Shu hesitated for a moment before eliminating the remaining special driving skills and Traceless Treading on Snow. For the same reason, he didn't need them now, and he didn't plan to be a pilot. It was still not too late to learn them in the future.

Therefore, Lin Shu decisively chose Traceless in Snow. Next, he would inevitably have to fight the enemy in the forest, which would be a very suitable skill.


Meanwhile, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu gathered together and discussed something in a low voice.

He Chenguang was the first to ask the question that he desperately wanted to know, "Yanbing, I heard that you and Lin Shu took out a regiment of the Blue Army… Is that true?"

Li Erniu's eyes widened, "!"

"It's true," Wang Yanbing nodded.

"Can you tell me how you did it? You took out an army regiment! Did you two destroy it just like that?" He Chenguang's small eyes were filled with curiosity.

Even though he had learned sniper tactics since he was young, it was still difficult for him to understand how Lin Shu and Wang Yanbing managed to accomplish such an incredible feat.