Two People, Eight Hundred Eyes!

At the Blue Army Wolf Fang Special Combat Brigade, Battle Command…

Fan Tianlei and Chen Shanming watched their last tank being killed on the screen.

"It can't be, right? Snipers fighting tanks?" Chen Shanming opened his mouth slightly and said decisively, "It must be Gong Jian!"

"Don't you think it's coincidental?" Fan Tianlei crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

Chen Shanming's tone was firm, "No. Who else could lead an army of sharpshooters apart from him?"

No matter what, the Sharpshooters 4th Division was an ordinary division. Other than Gong Jian, Number Five's favorite student, who else would have such a special combat mindset?

Fan Tianlei's eyes swept left and right as if he was thinking. Then, he suddenly realized something. "It must be him!"

"Who?" Chen Shanming didn't understand.

Fan Tianlei placed his hands on the handles of the chair and leaned forward slightly. He didn't answer Chen Shanming's question but sighed,

"That kid...! I have an eye for talent. He's a natural sniper! All these years, he had not wasted his time. He had been reading the information left behind by his father."

He was naturally referring to He Chenguang… However, Chen Shanming did not know, "Who are you talking about?"

In fact, Chen Shanming was not to be blamed. Other than Fan Tianlei, no one in Wolf Fang knew about the recruitment of He Weidong's only son into the army.

"Let's go!"

Fan Tianlei stood up and pointed at the screen.

"I want to see the sniper position he left behind. How is it? Will they meet my requirements?"

Chen Shanming was surprised. "The more you talk, the more absurd it sounds. The Sharpshooters 4th Division is an infantry company after all. How can they meet your standards?"

"Shanming, some people were born to do this," Fan Tianlei smiled and patted Chen Shan Ming's shoulder.

At this moment, a second lieutenant in a field army camouflage uniform walked over. "Report!"


"Number Five, we just received news that a large number of sniper teams are sabotaging our enemy's rear. So far, they have already taken out several tank divisions, infantry divisions, and an ammunition depot…"

Fan Tianlei frowned, "I know all this. What else?"

"The Red Team has a sniper team that blew up our army's regiment and... After beheading the regiment commander of the Army Aerial Regiment, the headquarters ordered us to do our best to eliminate the Red Team's sniper team and capture these remaining forces in one fell swoop!"

Chen Shanming's eyes widened. "They blew up the Army Air Force and managed to kill off the regiment commander of the army? Who was it? Who is it?"

"...." Fan Tianlei was silent. However, if one looked closely, one would see that his eyes were also filled with astonishment.

He wasn't surprised by the Red Team's sniping team's actions. He had already known about the wanton destruction of the enemy's rear and the destruction of the tank division and infantry division.

But how could a good army regiment be killed just like that?

Furthermore, it was done before the Red Team's sniper team took action. Fan Tianlei was certain of this.

Their range of activity would not exceed this mountain, and the ground navigation group was at the foot of the mountain…

Thinking of this, Fan Tianlei picked up the landline phone on the table, dialed an internal number, and went straight to the point,

"Hello, brigade commander? I'm Golden Eagle... Yes, I want to know the entire progression leading to the Air Force being eliminated... Yes, go ahead, I'm listening..."

Then, Fan Tianlei put the phone on speaker mode, and the command center instantly fell silent.

After the brigade commander finished speaking and hung up the phone, the scene fell into a strange and strange silence.

"Sh*t…" After a long time, Chen Shanming gasped and could not help but say, "Explosive engineering, destroying our aerial and large heavy equipment, coupled with the decapitation operation… What a mature set of special operations. Number Five, there must be an expert inside the Red Team!"

Fan Tianlei took a deep breath, "I want to know who did it!" He said.

Miao Lang interrupted at this moment and added,

"Number Five, Shanming, did you two forget what the brigade commander said on the phone just now? The ones who blew up and beheaded the Army Air Force were two private soldiers from the Iron Fist Regiment…"

Chen Shanming and Fan Tianlei suddenly recalled that this was indeed the case…

"Number Five, could it be... The one you mentioned just now, right?" Chen Shanming glanced at Fan Tianl\ei.

"No," Fan Tianlei shook his head and said with certainty.

Although he admired He Chenguang, Fan Tianlei knew what he was capable of!

This kind of special operation had a clear direction, a clear goal, and a mature operation… It was not something that He Chenguang could achieve at this stage.

"Then could it be…" Chen Shanming looked at Miao Lang.

The two of them suddenly widened their eyes and said in unison, "The one who attacked the drone?!!"

They didn't know Lin Shu's name, but for a monster who could kill their drone from 1500 meters away, they collectively called him the one who killed the drone.

Fan Tianlei's eyes widened.

That... Although it sounded a little ridiculous, it was indeed a reasonable explanation. A private, so skilled, that could be called a monster. He was also part of the Iron Fist Regiment. Other than him, there seemed to be no one else.

"Regarding this matter, we will discuss it after the drill. The most important thing now is to eliminate the Red Team's sniper team."

Even though he said that, Fan Tianlei's heart was in turmoil as if a cat in heat was incessantly scratching the ground.

If it was that kid, then he was a special force soldier that only appears once in a hundred years! They had to poach him. The establishment of the Red Blood Cell Special Operation Team was about to begin…


The Wolf Fang Special Combat Brigade definitely couldn't be the only one to wipe out the Red Sniper Team.

As special forces, their numbers were inferior to regular troops. In this vast mountain, the so-called aerial reconnaissance had lost its meaning… Or wait… The Blue Army no longer had aerial reconnaissance.

The Blue Army used the special forces brigade as their main force, supplemented by the regular troops, to eliminate several sniper teams from the red side.

While the Blue Team was cleaning up, the Red Team's sniper team, after two days and one night of operation, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu, Old Hei, and a few Sharpshooters from the 4th Division joined Commander Gong Jian.

Under Gong Jian's command, they blew up the No. 34 bridge, which was the only path that the Blue Army had to take.

This undoubtedly angered the Blue Army even more!

They went crazy searching for and clearing the Red Team. They even used military dogs to search up the mountain. In just a day and a night, more than half of the sniper team was taken out. Some were dead, and some were captured alive.

As mentioned before, energy replenishment was the most important thing for activities in the mountains with a radius of more than 100 kilometers.

However, under the Blue Army's search, where could they get food? Gong Jian felt that this could not be done, so he led the team down the mountain to ask for food from his fellow villagers.

Naturally, they couldn't escape Fan Tianlei's plan. He led the assault team to surround them.

Fan Tianlei walked over and looked at Gong Jian with his signature aunty smile.

"Little brat, where are you going?"

"Hehe, Teacher Fan…" Gong Jian laughed awkwardly.

The squad leader was anxious. He was not willing to lose just like that. He held his gun and stared at Wolf Fang's assault team with bloodshot eyes. He shouted,

"I'll fight it out with you!"

"Put the gun down!!" Unexpectedly, Gong Jian shouted sternly.

"Instructor…!" Old Hei didn't want to give up. He didn't understand why Gong Jian had given up.

"I order you!!"

"Yes…" Hence, Old Hei and Gong Jian reluctantly put down their guns.

Fan Tianlei showed a look of approval.

One had to know that other than the Red and Blue Army, there were also villagers at the foot of the mountain. At this time, it was obvious that they could not resist. Even if they used blank bullets, there was still the risk of accidentally injuring the masses. Old Hei was confused and finally reacted.

At this moment, Gong Jian suddenly saw Fan Tianlei admitting defeat by counting the Red Team members who had been arrested.

"Teacher Fan, what are you counting?" He asked with a smile.

Fan Tianlei glanced at him, "You know what I'm counting"

"Haha! You are missing three of my people!" Gong Jian laughed sinisterly. "They're not with us."

"So? You let three recruits form a team to complete the mission?" Fan Tianlei stared at Gong Jian in surprise.

Gong Jian asked, "Do you think my three soldiers are some new recruits?"


Fan Tianlei rolled his eyes at him, "I chose those three soldiers myself. Do you think God will give you three precious soldiers?"

"I know that you sent them to me to complete their training," Gong Jian continued.

"That's right!" Fan Tianlei nodded.

"But…" Gong Jian suddenly changed the topic, "Before you took them away, they were still the soldiers of my Sharpshooter 4th Division! The drill continues, and the battle must go on!"


Fan Tianlei laughed and scolded, "Don't be too happy. There are only three little brats on this mountain. I'm an old fox. I'll let you see how I capture them one by one! Soldiers, take them away!"

Hearing this, Gong Jian's eyes flashed with a hint of success.

He had been misleading Fan Tianlei from the beginning. It wasn't three recruits but in fact… Four!

Naturally, it was Lin Shu. The reason why Gong Jian was doing this was because he was trying his best to cover for Lin Shu. He was hoping that he could complete the mission that was almost impossible to complete…

After taking Gong Jian and the others away, Fan Tianlei looked at Gong Jian's back and could not help but laugh.

"This little brat is playing tricks on me… If I can't beat you, then I'll be fine. Do you think I'm called 'Fan Tiankeng' for no reason?"
