Sweeping Wolf Fang!

Lin Shu was about 500 meters away from Chen Shanming and the others. There was a river about two meters wide in the middle.

The duration of the Smoke Grenade was about 35 seconds. Time was tight, so Lin Shu immediately used the Traceless in Snow skill. His figure was extremely fast, giving people the illusion that he was flying close to the ground!

Lin Shu didn't stop at all when he arrived in front of the river. He tapped the ground with his toes and used the momentum to escape.

When he was almost in the middle of the river, his feet gently touched the surface of the water. The water rippled in every step he took. The football-sized circle sparkled and splashed some water. Lin Shu had already arrived on the other side of the river.

At this moment, the white smoke was visible to the naked eye as it began to rise and shrink. It should dissipate in less than 10 seconds.

Lin Shu did not continue to push forward. Instead, he dove into a patch of grass. The black muzzle slowly extended out of the grass, and his eyelids were pressed against the rubber ring of the sniper rifle's scope.

The effect of the smoke became fainter and fainter. He activated his Eagle Sight skill. About 200 meters away, the figures of the two Wolf Fang special forces support team members were slowly reflected in the optical scope.

Lin Shu turned the muzzle slightly and aimed at the helmet of a special forces soldier with a fierce look in his eyes.


Almost at the same second as the gunshot, Lin Shu moved the muzzle slightly and pulled the trigger with his index finger again.

With another bang, the recoil shook Lin Shu's shoulder!

At this moment, two thick blue smoke rose from the helmets of the two Wolf Fang support teams!

After killing the two Wolf Fang old special agents, Lin Shu did not dare to stay any longer. He turned to the left and hid behind a tree. Sure enough, Chen Shanming and another special forces soldier's firepower had already covered them!

Da da da… 

The bullets hit the ground and the trees trembled!

"Reload!" Chen Shanming shouted.

His partner understood and continued to suppress him with firepower.

Chen Shanming took out a magazine from the belt with one hand and stuck it horizontally on the recoil button. The magazine on the gun fell to the ground immediately. At the same time, he quickly aimed at the new magazine and loaded it with his backhand. He aimed at the tree where Lin Shu was hiding and shot at a single point rhythmically, not giving Lin Shu a chance to show his face!

At this time, his other teammates also began to reload as well.

The two of them fired at the left and right sides of the tree to suppress it as they pressed forward. The soles of their heavy military boots stepped on the dead leaves, making a rustling sound.

Lin Shu seemed to have fallen into a desperate situation.

He was stuck behind the tree and did not dare to move at all. If he moved, with Chen Shan Ming and the others' spear techniques, they would instantly eliminate him.

One had to know that this was not outside of their shooting range just now. Now, they were less than 50 meters apart!

"Hu...!" Lin Shu leaned against the tree, his Adam's apple moving. His chest heaved up and down as he exhaled. At this moment, he realized where the danger was.

In the current situation, it was either one of them who would die before this standoff would be over. He had to think of a way to kill them!

But what should he do?

Although he had already mastered Eagle Sight, Snake Movement, and Traceless in Snow, coupled with his 6 points of Constitution Strength, his speed was extremely fast. However, Lin Shu believed that he could not be faster than a rifle bullet at such a close distance.

With a speed of nearly 400 meters per second, he really couldn't dodge it when he was less than 50 meters away.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced to his left. There was a pit about two meters away. Lin Shu gritted his teeth and could only fight…

Immediately, Lin Shu pulled out his pistol from the holster on his right leg. He predicted the enemy's position in his heart and stuck the barrel of the gun against the tree. He kept firing without revealing his head!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!!!!!!!

Bullets flew out from the barrel, but how could they hit Chen Shanming and his underlings in this situation?

One of them crawled on the ground while the other hid behind a tree and continued to fire.

However, Lin Shu didn't expect to kill them just because he couldn't see. He didn't use auto-aim, so he just wanted to give him time to change his position.

Even though there was still a risk, with the accuracy of the Wolf Fang Special Forces, there was at least a 70% chance that he would die. However, at this moment, he knew that there was a tiger in the mountain, so he decided to go for it.

He jumped and smashed heavily into the pit on the left, causing Lin Shu to grimace.

Fortunately, he survived!

However, before Lin Shu could be happy, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him and flew toward him. Lin Shu widened his eyes, "!!"

A frag grenade came at him. Lin Shu's hair stood on end as he move to the side.


The grenade exploded. It was a practice grenade without shrapnel. Fortunately, Lin Shu was faster and avoided the specified killing radius.

The moment the grenade exploded, Chen Shanming and the old special agent had already rushed over. Lin Shu reacted quickly and shot with his pistol!

With a bang, the old special agent in front of Chen Shanming emitted thick smoke.

After the gunshot, Lin Shu heard a faint "click". The barrel of the 92 pistol slid backward, revealing a barrel about two centimeters long.

Empty warehouse hack! He ran out of bullets!

Lin Shu's heart skipped a beat. Chen Shanming was already close by, and he didn't have time to reload.

Lin Shu decisively threw the pistol at Chen Shanming. Chen Shanming tilted his head to dodge. Taking this short opportunity, Lin Shu soared into the air and spun in the air to kick Chen Shanming!


The air whistled with the movement like steel!

Chen Shanming dodged the kick and was about to raise his gun to shoot. Lin Shu had expected this. He reached out his left hand as fast as lightning and grabbed the gun barrel. The bullet shot into the sky.

Lin Shu's right hand formed a fist and smashed toward Chen Shan Ming's shoulder.

Chen Shanming let go of his grip in pain, then took two steps back. At this moment, Lin Shu leaned forward and kicked him from the side!

The latter did not have time to react at all. His body was unstable and he was about to fall to the left.

At this moment, Lin Shu's figure flashed, dazzling Chen Shanming. In the next second, he felt something cold pressing against his neck.

Looking down, it was a dagger….

At the same second, he heard Lin Shu's cold voice,

"Major, you're dead!"

After saying that, Lin Shu let go of the dagger in her hand. After all, this was just a drill. The dagger sticking to Chen Shanming's neck meant that his throat had been slit. There was no need to continue holding on, as it was easy to cause accidental injuries.

"You…" Chen Shanming stared at Lin Shu. His heart was filled with shock, horror, and disbelief. "You defeated the eight of us just like that?!"

"I was just lucky." Lin Shu said calmly.

Regarding this point, he was very self-aware. If it hadn't been the series of luck, he would've died a long time ago. 

"Luck?" Chen Shanming's mouth twitched.

He was also considered a fighting expert of Wolf Fang. Other than Shi Dafan of the 026 Commando Team, no one else was his match. However, this kid managed to beat him up during their small skirmish. He had no strength to fight back at all!

At this moment, Fan Tianlei, Miao Lang, and the other Wolf Fang special forces soldiers also came over.