Chapter 40 The Water Jug

When Martin went out for his morning run, he specifically brought money with him.

He noticed new dealers had appeared around the community.

They were easy to recognize, the old dealers were basically white, now they were all black.

Martin had no intention of dealing with them, deliberately avoided them, and headed to the north side of the community, where he found Scott carrying a bag, taking crab steps towards his grocery store.

"Hurt again?" Martin asked curiously.

Scott stopped his shuffling feet and said, "I found a new job, pays really well! Let me tell you, idiot, I! Scott Carter! will soon be a rich man."

Martin didn't know the specifics but had a hunch, too lazy to talk about it further, he asked, "Do you have modeling clay in your store?"

Scott, continuing his crab steps to the store, said, "Yeah, come with me. What do you want to make? Clumsy fool."

Martin mumbled, "Making a cute toy, to cheer someone up."


An hour later, at the Carter's house.