Chapter 54: The Lucky Star of Cola

The sun rose, and the temperature gradually climbed, leaving the actors at the makeshift makeup area restless from the long wait.

Ward looked towards the studio, "Can she pull it off?"

Adam Smith undid two buttons of his shirt and said, "She's an ambitious person."

Someone nearby shouted, "Iced Coke is here!"

Big Head, who delivered drinks every day, pushed his cart over, placing brand-new cans of Coke on the table.

The temp actors all went to grab a Coke.

Ward grabbed two cans, handed one to Adam Smith, popped it open, and took a huge gulp, feeling exceptionally refreshed.

Big Head reminded, "Don't litter, put the empty cans back where they belong."

The temp actors were used to this routine; the guy collected bottles and cans every time.

After finishing the Coke, cans were put back.

Robert, wearing gloves, gathered them into his net bag.

Ward and Adam Smith went over, carelessly placed their cans down, and left.