Chapter 72: Unfastening the Button and Hooping the Rings


Before the film crew moved into post-production, Zombie Dancer Studio booked the entire House of Beast Club for a celebration party.

Besides the eighteen handsome men, they also hired 30 beautiful women to perform.

Martin grabbed a microphone, jumped onto the stage, and gave a light tap, waiting for everyone's attention. He then exclaimed loudly, "During this shoot, director Benjamin-Calvin has worked the hardest and faced the most pressure, so I propose we give him a special reward!"

"Great!" Andrew was the first to cheer loudly.

Others, like Maurice and Catherine, also echoed their agreement.

Martin gestured to Hart.

Hart immediately led ten women onto the stage. In unison, they took off their jackets, leaving only their front-clasp bras.

Martin said, "This is a gift that's both beautiful and spicy, and comes with a high degree of difficulty. Let's welcome Benjamin to the stage to perform his signature skill—unhooking bras with his mouth!"