Chapter 80 Going to Hollywood

By mid-November, local TV stations in Los Angeles and Atlanta aired the trailer for "Zombie Stripper" during their late-night slots.

The professionals at Lionsgate Films had edited highlights like people flying through the air and the machine gun dance.

The ads were also tacked onto Gray Company's late-night shows, which had been consistently getting good ratings.

Then there were the trailer and poster columns at the preview theaters.

For the preview, the distribution company invested limited resources and targeted a specific audience.

After a week of low-key promotion, "Zombie Stripper" began its limited screenings in eight independent cinemas in both Los Angeles and Atlanta.

Elena had the day off, and she had arranged to watch a movie with Martin that afternoon.

Lily shamelessly tagged along.

Following two adults, and with Lily being tall, it was easy for her to blend in and enter the theater, as it was only R-rated, not NC-17.