Chapter 90: The Forty Million Investment Project

Los Angeles Satellite City, Sherman Oaks.

Martin drove into the courtyard of a detached villa on the southern slope.

The car passed through the lawn and stopped beside the villa with a red roof and white walls. Martin took the gift from the passenger seat and got out of the car.

Louise, wearing a spaghetti strap dress and wrapped in a silk shawl, hurried to meet him. Before she got close, she asked, "Where's my Italian Cannon recipe?"

Martin handed over the gift box, "Patience, you lush, wouldn't kill you, would it?"

Louise didn't bother with niceties, taking the box and tearing it open directly, revealing a bottle inside.

She understood immediately, "Vodka?"

Martin said, "Give it a try, they each have their own flavor."

Together, they entered the villa where a 40-year-old Caucasian woman stood at the door.

Louise said, "This is Mary, my housekeeper." She briefly introduced Martin, "This is Martin. Give him a key to the house, he can come by anytime."