Chapter 98 My Sister is a Big Star


The production team gathered for the routine script reading meeting at the beginning of the new week, which also served as a meet and greet for the creative team.

For publicity purposes, Warner Bros. specifically scheduled the reading at the Warner Bros. Studios headquarters in Burbank.

When Bruce drove Martin to the venue, over a dozen photojournalists were gathered at the entrance, their camera lenses all focused on Eliza Cuthbert and Paris Hilton.

They followed and photographed the two from the moment they got out of their car until they entered the Warner Bros. building.

Martin prepared to get out of the car, "How many journalists will take notice of me?"

Bruce, in perfect accord, opened the glove compartment, "Buddy, I've brought your special weapon for attracting attention."

He took out a large pink water bottle, "Take this, shout 'I'm the male lead in the film,' then take a big gulp. They'll definitely snap photos of you."

"Thanks a lot!" Martin declined.