Chapter 120 What Has the Most Magic

In the villa's living room, Louise sat at the bar, slowly savoring her drink, occasionally glancing at Warner Television Network's live broadcast.

Presenter Jamie Lee Curtis laid down the card in her hand and read, "The winner of Best Young Actor is Martin Davis from 'Zombie Stripper'!"

Applause erupted.

Louise raised her glass towards the television set, "Congratulations."

She set down the glass and with her other hand, took the notepad Martin often used to jot down formulas and swiftly added a new entry.

Having recorded it, Louise laughed. It seemed that rascal had already paid his bill, didn't it?

But who cares, from getting roles to winning honors, it was all new debt he owed her.

He must repay with new formulas until he's completely squeezed dry.

As for what to do after he's dried up, a female drunk and a female lech wouldn't consider matters so far ahead.

Atlanta, Clayton Community.