Chapter 143: Conscience

In an office on the second floor near the entrance of Warner Bros. Studios, Mene was nervously rubbing his hands together and looking out the window, where he could see a bunch of reporters and paparazzi blocked near the main gate of Warner Bros. Studios.

He had finished shooting "Land of the Living Dead" three days ago and returned to Los Angeles, where the boss had given him the big "gift" of appearing in front of the media.

Agent Munir was also African American, and he came over and said, "Don't be nervous, you always say big scenes are a piece of cake for you."

Mene forced a smile, which looked more pained than crying.

Promotion director Parker asked Martin, "Is he not mentally strong?"

Martin said, "He has a very strong mental makeup; he just hasn't adjusted to the sudden transition from obscurity to media celebrity. He needs time to adapt."

Parker understood this; many people break under the pressure of sudden fame and fall off a cliff.