Chapter 225 Stabilizing Your Foothold

The textile factory was in shambles. Martin, with a gun in each hand, battled an array of assassins from the Assassins' Guild. Each time his M9 pistols fired, another assassin would fall to the ground with a bullet wound.

Director Leterrier was seated in a tracking vehicle, controlling one of the cameras together with the director of photography, capturing both wide and close-up shots.

He had specifically designed a long take for this scene.

All the prop looms were destroyed in the gunfight, as assassin after assassin fell to the ground, gushing blood.

The film was destined to be rated R, with naturally a larger scale of violence.

The Frenchman Leterrier even suggested Martin do a full-frontal nudity scene, which was flatly refused by Martin.

With the completion of the long take, the studio was a complete mess, and most of the props and sets could be sent directly to the dump—there was no way to audit the expenses.