Chapter 273: Contending for Supremacy


"This is Barry Meyer, the CEO of Warner Bros.,"

In the luxurious and spacious banquet hall, Louise took Martin to meet the host of the evening and specifically introduced him, "This is Ellen Horn, the President of Warner Bros." Pictures."

Martin courteously shook hands and greeted the two, who were the mainstays of Warner Bros. during its golden age.

The two shook hands with Martin but didn't say much. With Martin's status, he wasn't quite at the level to catch their eye.

However, Ellen Horn's daughter, Cody Horn, chatted with Martin a bit more.

She asked, "I heard you're pushing a new project, and I'm an actor too. Do you have a suitable role for me?"

Martin immediately responded, "If you come, there will be a role, but it may not be a big part."

Cody Horn handed him a business card, "You can send the role information to my email. If it's suitable, I'll have my agent contact your production team."

Martin took the business card and carefully stored it away.