Chapter 295: Capturing Them All

The surveillance captured it clearly, three black men snuck in through the back door of the house and fired at Daisy and John. Hearing the noise at the front door, they fled through the back door and left in a Toyota.

The license plate number of the Toyota was also captured very clearly.

The death of his beloved dog enraged Marcus. He grabbed a large coat and put it over his tactical vest. Speaking to Cain, Martin, and the others, he said, "Do me a favor and wait for LAPD. I'll be back soon; they can't have gone far."

Chad was the first to respond, "Buddy, take it easy!"

Martin grabbed Marcus's arm, with a tone that seemed to be advising but spoke the truth, "You need to see things through. You told me about your experiences in Afghanistan. I've already made contact with a suitable author and am preparing for the sequels to the memoir and movie adaptations. Do you plan for me to visit you in prison every day to discuss the project?"