"Martin Davis portrayed an extremely complex character in 'Infernal Affairs,' brilliantly embodying an undercover whose inner and outer worlds are completely different. His acting skills have made him a standout among Hollywood actors born in the 1980s."
At London Pine Studio, the crew of 'The Prestige,' Emma Thomas seriously read the newspaper, "Within just three years in the industry, Martin Davis has already had three films consecutively cross the hundred million mark at the North American box office. Although he can't compare with Elijah Wood and Hayden Christensen, who have been boosted by 'The Lord of the Rings' and the Star Wars Prequels, Martin's track record is more convincing..."
Having finished work for the day, Nolan came over and stood behind Emma, looking on for a while, he said, "What are you reading?"
Emma handed the newspaper to her husband, "Infernal Affairs' North American box office has crossed a hundred million, nearly two hundred million worldwide."