Chapter 408 Selling People by the Pound

Beverly Hills Century City, in the lobby of the WMA headquarters, partners including Whitesell and Jim Witt gathered, awaiting the day's protagonist, also a key member of the agency's most important acting clients—Martin Davis.

In the lounge off to the side of the lobby, Thomas personally checked Martin's outfit and said, "Perfect."

A gloomy temperament showed faintly on Martin's face, as if he was weighed down with heavy thoughts.

Thomas stepped back a few paces and said, "I think it's a bit too much."

Martin's brow relaxed slightly, and the stern expression on his face softened a little, "How about now?"

"OK!" Thomas gestured and said, "Just right."

He turned his head and asked, "Old Cloth, what do you think?"

Bruce looked carefully and said, "It's just right now."

"It's already 2008." Martin walked toward the door, "I need to get ready for promoting 'The Dark Knight'."