Chapter 489: Tom Cruise is Inspired by Martin

Spring is often the most lackluster season for Hollywood movies, and even September and October, following the conclusion of the summer blockbusters, tend to be better, with blockbuster hits rarely emerging.

However, "John Wick" changed this scenario, using its explosive occupancy rates to tell all film companies and theater chains that it's not that the spring season lacks an audience, but that the films are not attractive enough.

Not just the general audience, but many celebrities, directors, and producers, especially professionals in the action movie field, also flocked to the theaters to watch "John Wick."

In Los Angeles, Tom Cruise and Brad Bird enjoyed the movie together in a VIP room at the Century City Plaza Xavier Theater.

The audience on the ground floor had already left, but the two of them were not ready to go and were planning to watch it a second time.

Brad Bird, who had directed "The Incredibles," had a notebook full of notes from the viewing.