Chapter 891: Emoji Pack Marketing

In early August, with "Split" having completed final editing, the pre-release promotion was in full swing.

First, the production team held a memorial event on the first anniversary of Billy Milligan's death.

The related promotional articles also provided detailed introductions to Billy Milligan himself.

Then, Martin established a Psychiatric Therapy Charity Foundation, announcing that a portion of the net income from his $20 million salary would be donated to help those suffering from dissociative identity disorder.

"When I was preparing for 'Split,' I visited five psychiatric therapy centers and personally met with dozens of patients," Martin said solemnly to the camera, speaking into the microphone, "They look healthy on the outside but are plagued by stubborn mental issues. Having portrayed characters in 'Split,' I gained firsthand insight into their struggles, which is why I want to help them as much as I can."