Ch 03: Decisions, Decisions Part 2

Minami laid on her floral bedspread in her bedroom.

Her room was relatively large and fit a twin sized bed, two bookshelves, a wardrobe and a desk. Her bookshelves were filled with plushies, 5year and Ri CDs – Ri was her favorite 5year member.

There was a large window that was covered by sheer sparkling blue drapes that had little pink and yellow star plushies sewn onto them. Her desk was right next to the window and was neatly organized with her computer, baby blue desk organizer, notebooks and recording equipment.

Large plushies sat in the corner next to her door, hiding her laundry hamper and her walls were covered ceiling to floor with Star Idol, 5year and Ri posters.

She kicked her feet on her bed as she texted on her phone, her blue and pink bejeweled nails tapping as she typed in the words.

She had exciting news from the game to share with the girls and couldn't wait to hear their responses.

[Minami] "Guys! Guess what!"

[Juri] "Just tell us, I don't feel like playing a guessing game."

[Minami] "So, I was playing Star Idol and I asked a few people to watch our cover and they said it was good!"

[Juri] "Lots of people are saying that. I told you it'd be good if we did this song."

[Saki] "Wow! We're getting fans!"

[Akina] "Congrats! I'm still your first fan! Don't forget that! I even liked all of your uploads so I'm the most dedicated!"

[Naoto] "I'm busy right now so slow responses, but congratulations on your success. I also like the vids haha."

[Minami] Thanks Akina! Oh AAAAAAANDDD!! I asked them who their favorite members were…."

[Juri] "Oh?"

[Saki] "Yeah?"

[Minami] "They said I'm their favorite! Saki some of them picked you too! They said you sounded really cute!"

[Akina] "That's because you did a good job!!!"

[Saki is typing…]

[Juri is typing…]

Minami smiled wide at Akina's compliment and continued to excitedly type away.

[Minami] "Thanks! I was honestly really worried about doing that song because I'm not confident doing ballads, and I still think that I didn't do that great, so when they said I was their favorite! I almost cried! I feel really proud of myself!"

[Akina] "You should!!"

[Naoto] "Yeah you definitely have some work to do, but it wasn't the worst."

[Minami] "Yeah I'm going to keep working hard! ^^"

[Juri] "They probably only said that because you sent it to them and asked them who their favorite is and they felt awkward. You kind of cornered them into it. Lol."

[Saki is typing…]

[Minami] "Oh no! They didn't know which was me. I didn't tell them what parts I was singing at and they didn't know what I sounded like since I've never shared a cover before. They just liked me! I'm so happy!"

[Juri is typing…]

[Saki] "Okay….I don't know why you'd ask anyone that. You put them in an awkward position like Juri said….I doubt they didn't know which one you were considering we put who sang what line in the description….so….just don't do that again kay? Because it's awkward and it makes me uncomfortable~"

[Minami] "I don't have it on mine! So they couldn't have looked. Sorry though, I didn't think it would make you guys uncomfortable. I won't do that again.

[Juri is typing…]

[Saki] "Why would it not make us uncomfortable? If you're asking people and pressuring them and they're all saying you're their favorite?"

Minami stared at her phone in disbelief.

She had no idea that asking people who their favorite was would cause such a reaction.

It's common for people to have a favorite member in any group. She was also confused as to why Saki was saying that when some of them also selected Saki as their favorite member.

[Minami] "I'm really sorry…I didn't realize it. Well, Saki they said that your voice is really cute and refreshing! So! Maybe I shouldn't share that? It's a compliment so I don't want to keep it from you, but now I'm not sure.."

[Juri] "I was going to keep quiet about it, but I decided not to. It was extremely inappropriate of you to even ask anyone that. Ever. The thing is, you knew they'd pick you because they were pressured into it, and you just wanted to use it to try and rub our noses in it. Because, like Saki said, the line distribution is in the description so they 100% knew who was singing what and knew which one you were. So stop trying to act innocent now and pretend like you didn't know when it's really obvious that you knew the whole time. You're just trying to act like everyone likes you and honestly, they don't. No one ever comments about you. For a reason."

[Akina is typing…]

Minami sat up and clutched her favorite star pillow and bit her lip. Was it really such a big issue?

[Juri] "AND Saki JUST said how she was uncomfortable and yet you're still relaying information about it? Leave her alone. Oh wait, no it's because you want to look like a saint.

Minami bit her lip and took a deep breath.

[Minami] "…I really didn't put the line distribution in there. I didn't realize that you guys had done that either. You can check the one on my account if you want. There's no line distribution…I understand now that it hurt your feelings and made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I can only promise not to do that anymore."

[Juri] "You're saying that, when you have order of appearances in your description. That's basically the same thing. You're just making excuses lol!"

[Minami] "Yeah but that's only for the first three solos and I think it's hard to tell whose voice is whose after that…"

[Juri] "That's just more excuses. Are you listening to yourself?"

[Minami] "I am, but it's not an excuse. I'm just explaining. I said I'm sorry."

[Akina] "Why are you guys so upset about it though? On your videos, no one has ever commented about Minami at all. Or are you just removing comments that mention her? If you're not, then no one is mentioning her, what's wrong with some people saying she's their favorite?? You can be a favorite and get attention but she can't? Why? She already said she's sorry. Besides, even though you put line distribution and order of appearance, it IS hard to tell sometimes. Otherwise people wouldn't comment with time stamps asking who's singing. So let's all move on from this. Let's start a new conversation!"

[Juri] "We aren't removing any comments with her in them lol, just no on is talking about her unless she forces them to."

Tears welled up in Minami's eyes and she made a loud sniffle noise as she sucked snot back into her nose.

[Naoto] "Juri why are you being such a witch? It's a little cover group online, it's not that serious. She said sorry, let it go."

[Juri] And why are you defending her? She's negatively affected us and that's not okay in my book. She's not sorry, she keeps making excuses and I'm going to make her apologize for real."

[Minami] "Thanks Akina, thanks Naoto, but I think I'm going to just go have some dinner. I'll talk to you guys later and again I'm really REALLY sorry. I won't do it again. I promise. I apologize for making you guys feel uncomfortable, I apologize for hurting your feelings, I really, honestly, didn't mean to and I'm sorry. I'm going to go now."

She closed out of their group chat and set her phone down, wiping the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

It was hard to breathe and the back of her throat burned.

Maybe they were right, maybe subconsciously she did force them to say she was their favorite. Would that have been so bad anyways though? Was it so wrong to want to be liked and to be told she was doing a good job?

She hugged her pillow tightly to her chest and buried her face into it, sobbing quietly to not alert her family members.

She took a deep breath and stared up at one of the posters of Ri on her wall. Her tears ditched the droplets and flowed like a river.

When would it be her turn to be the poster on someone's wall? When would she get to be the favorite? Would it ever be her turn? Was that in the cards for her?

Bzz! Bzz! Bzz! Bzz! Her phone was going off over and over again, vibrating it's away to the edge of her bed.

She knew they were probably arguing still or talking about her, but she was praying they had moved on from the conversation and were just having a pleasant chat.

Either way, she didn't want to look. There was no room for anymore harsh words in her mind now.

She opened up her phone and quickly swiped away the message banners for the group chat, wiping her tears with her other hand at the same time.

She then sent a text to both Akina and Naoto, "Thanks for defending me. It means a lot. I'm sorry that I put you in an awkward position. I appreciate you!"

Almost immediately a text came back from Akina. "No problem, hope you're doing okay!"

Bzz! A text from Naoto came in shortly after, "Just ignore them. Sorry they're treating you like that. What a bunch of losers. I'll tell them off for you next time we see them in person."

Bzz! Bzz! More texts from Akina, this time it was filled with hearts and cute stickers. It was nice, it was appreciated, it helped, but it unfortunately didn't take away the sting from the situation.