Ch 57: Awakening of Avalon

  Yuu, Naoto and Minami sat in Yuu's apartment, contemplating their next steps forward.

  Naoto tightly squeezed Minami's hand and glared at Yuu.

  'This damn idiot is ruining her career. I knew this was a bad idea, making her pursue this again. Now her name is going to be even less desirable because of this. That photographer will talk for sure.' He thought as his leg thumped up and down.

  Yuu rubbed his chin, 'What kind of jerk doesn't protect his girlfriend? Why did Naoto just stand by and not do a thing? She was clearly uncomfortable. What an absolute jerk. God, I hope she breaks up with him.'

  You could cut the tension in the room with a butter knife, and Minami could sense it.

  She hung her head low, "I'm sorry that I caused such a mess. Really, I should've just done it. Maybe they're right, maybe I'm not cut out for this industry."