Ch 121: Listen to My Song

 It had been three years since Avalon shocked the entertainment industry by announcing her decision to retire and focus on motherhood.

 The first few months had been rough for Wing Media.

 Might Mind still managed to sell relatively well, thanks to a large amount of fans eager to get their hands on Avalon's final album.

 However, there was still a large amount of fans that had abandoned her due to their disappointment in her actions.

 She'd been pulled apart by those people, calling her "irresponsible", "selfish" with some even going so far as to say things like "So she just slept with whoever she could to get out of her contract because she got tired of the entertainment life, huh?"

 For a short while, Wing Media relied solely on Minami's sales to keep afloat.

 Thankfully, they had managed to sign Saki after a few months.