A red blood moon is upon the night sky. One of the rarest moments on earth and yet humanity could not care less.

People continued with their lives without giving even a glimpse of the beautiful deadly red moon.

To some it's nothing, but those who care, know what it means, the advent of the end.

Especially to an old man on a roof deck not far from the buzzing sound of the city. He was surrounded by lit candles formed into a pentagon.

In front of him is a chalice filled with blood as red as the moon above him. On the pentagon's point were ashes placed inside a goblet with holy carvings in it.

A symbol of the eucharist. His head and body were bowed towards the floor of the deck while mumbling things only he can hear.

The sky started rumbling, a symbol of a storm coming. His body rose again with his head lifted towards the sky continuing to mumble. Then he bowed down all over again, repeating this same gesture all the while mumbling the words that only he would understand.

He was a monk wearing his old untidy brown robe. His forehead is sweating and his hands are trembling.

Despite everything he's mumbling he seems to be uneasy. Unfamiliar with what it is that his physical body was doing.

At this moment, the thunder continued to rumble. It has intensely built up its anger as though something really bad is about to happen.

In a sudden moment, a bolt of lightning started to appear from the skies. The light coming from the candles has grown, dancing as though in celebration of something that's coming. Their flames have grown bigger while the monk in the middle of it all continued with his ritual.

Then he shouted the last few lines of the ritual in Latin.

The lights suddenly went off. The candles that were once well lit and growing, were now only showing some smoke after it's been blown off.

He started breathing harshly. Deep, tired, and harsh breathing.

In a moment, he stared at the goblet a few inches away from him. The ashes started to climb up as though they were pulled up into the air.

It slowly took a form. Starting from the ground up, it formed two legs, once that were masculine and infinitely strong. Slowly, it formed the lower part of a man's body. The hips, the waist, the torso.

One could remember the verses of the holy book when Adam and Eve were conceived from ashes. The entire ashes from the goblet have slowly taken the human form, molding into a huge muscular vessel.

The monk mumbling the mysterious words was looking at the creation that's happening right in front of him. His eyes were now filled with tears as the realization of what he did not long ago hit him inside.

He is now realizing the gravity of what he just did. In front of him, unraveled what seemed to be the demonic result of the ritual he just performed.

That of which was once ash has now formed into a full human. His skin is as black as ebony and has hair within shoulder length.

As his body has completely taken form, he took his time to check out his body parts. He was feeling surreal with how his body that was from ashes has now taken its true form.

Oh, how he waited for so long just to have his old body back. He's been stuck in limbo for 20 years and now he is back.

He is the devil's demon out to serve his master on the surface of the earth. He started stretching out every single limb in his body. The sound of the muscles crackling is deafening from every inch of his body.

A sly grin can be seen on his face. After a very long time, he has resurfaced the face of the earth and is ready to take on his mission once again. In his head, thoughts of how he will go about the whole scheme are running. The devilish things he know he could go about once he has walked this Earth.

Suddenly his thoughts were stopped by the gurgling sound of the monk who was now praying.

His head twitched to the side and he started towards the monk.

"Ironic isn't it? How someone like you have spawned me, the devil's creation."

He dramatically crossed the path towards the monk and stood just an inch from him. He studied how the struggling monk continued to gurgle his prayers for penance. He loathes the kind of man that the monk has turned. Slowly, he kneeled and brought both his hands to the monk's face cupping his face and forced him to look at him.

His mind was reading his past. A gift he considers precious from his creator. In his mind, all the sins of the monk flashed into bits and pieces.

"How I loathe a man like you. Who pretends to be someone else after all the sins you have done under the oath of your very own GOD. Isn't it written on that piece of paper you prat on, how touching someone else's wife is known to your niche as a mortal sin?"

His amused face suddenly turned rail. As though all of those feelings channeled towards the monk, he started to convulse and his eyes suddenly turned red as though it's been fried to boiling oil.

In a matter of seconds, the monk slowly turned lifeless. His body was now suddenly lumped into the floor.

He stood up once again now slowly walking towards the exit. Every time he took a step, his body transformed bits by bits. Now taking the monk's form, face, clothes. Every detail of the monk's physical body now became his.

His transformation has completed the moment he reached the door of the building. He clasped his hands in front of him and started walking, unsure of where his next journey would be.