She was busy as a bee that night. It's another job she has. She bartends at night in a club that a friend of hers owns.

As she was preparing a shot line for a group of friends having a bachelorette party, she noticed a familiar face sitting down on a stool in front of her.

She's been a regular at the club and this is just one of the nights she comes in and spends her lonesome with vodka and beer.

As soon as she's done with her line, she came to her and prepared her favorite shot of vodka.

"The first one's on the house." she smiled at the guest with enthusiasm.

She handed her the shot as she proceeded on handing two beers to a gentleman sitting beside the regular.

"Thanks. Keep it coming please."

She nodded as she moved on to the next customer in the bar.

Yvette has been doing this hustle for as long as she can remember. She serves coffee in the morning and alcohol at night.

She's been juggling these along with her studies and barely had time to sleep.

As soon as she's done with another customer, she tapped on a colleague who just came in as her replacement.

She grabbed one more shot of vodka and handed it to the regular she was serving a while ago.

"Hey, take it easy okay?" she's about to turn around when this customer reached towards her and grabbed her from her arms.

"Hey. Are you leaving?"

She stopped midway and looked back.

"Yes. My shift's done."

"Care to join me?"

She smiled as she took note of how their regular seemed desperate.

"Look, I still have things I need to do. But thank you for the invitation."

She continued to walk away from the bar. It was almost midnight and her shift usually ends around that time. She grabbed her coat, phone, and keys as she walked towards the exit.

The club's guard said his goodbye to her as she stepped out.


She stopped in her steps as she heard that familiar voice once again.

As soon as she turned around, she saw how the regular customer struggled to run wearing her heels towards her.

She tilted her head sideways and waited for her to reach her.

"Hey." she stopped just in front of Yvette. Her face suddenly flushed pink.

"Hi." she smiled, placing both her hands in her coat's pockets. The midnight chill is starting to take over and she hated it when she's stuck outside with that chilly air.

"I was wondering if I could invite you for coffee sometime?"

She was bowing her head as she tried her best to let out those words.

She's seen her around the club for some time before but she never bothered asking for her name. She often comes in alone, has no dates, no friends.

She orders her favorite non-stop and goes home around midnight as well.

"I'm not sure if I heard you right."

"Ohh. I'm-- I just," she stuttered.

"Why don't we start with your name?" she smiled at her as she saw her face turn tomato red. "I really haven't asked you that have I?"

She chuckled as she held her hand out. "I'm Kaheia. Kaye if you'd like it shorter."

"Kaheia. I love your name. Mine's Yvette."

"I know. I mean.." she started stuttering again as she was still bowing her head trying to avoid looking at Yvette.

"Look at me," she whispered as she attempted to make her feel comfortable with the conversation.

Slowly, Kaheia looked up and met her stare. She has always admired how her auburn hair filled up her heart-shaped face.

She's been watching her for a long time ever since she's been to that bar. She comes in, orders her favorite, and leaves when Yvette's shift also ends. She's been obsessed with her for as long as she can remember and this was the very first time she'd even tried talking to her.

Her heart rate has been pumping so hard it may just get out of her chest.

She didn't even realize she's still holding her hand from the time they shook each other's hands. She slid a strand of her hair that fell into the back of her ears. She smiled as she looked at her again. Those black eyes had a really soothing effect on her.

"So, about that coffee?" she hesitated to ask again.

"Meet me tomorrow. I love coffees from "Mugs".

She's very familiar with the place. Her smile widened as she nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow, before breakfast? How does six sound?"

"Sure. I can definitely come in by six."

"I'll see you then."

Yvette gave out her sweetest smile. She hailed a cab for her as both their hands remained intertwined with each other. It felt oddly familiar holding her hands that way.

As soon as a cab stopped by them, she opened the door for her and bid her goodbyes. They exchanged numbers before the cab drove away.

She waved goodbye as she excitedly started walking away from the club she was working taking the path towards her own house.

She couldn't stop herself from smiling as she walked along the pathway to her home.

Just before she'd turn towards the alley of her house, she saw someone standing on the entryway of the alley. Her back turned away from her.

She stopped as she tried recalling whether she was one of her neighbors or not.

"Hi. Can I help you?"

She didn't hear any response. All of a sudden, she started having difficulty breathing. She felt a unique kind of heat running through her limbs.

Slowly, the woman turned her head towards her. Slow as though time was the only thing she had, yet it was Yvette's only strength. Time.

As the mysterious woman's face fully turned towards her, what she saw was one of the most horrific things she's ever seen.

Her face was distorted and her head was deformed as though it's been battered with something.

Her eyes were deep red with ounces of blood dripping out of her tear duct. Her teeth were broken and her lips were trembling.

Yvette started panicking and could not move even a single muscle.

This was a force that's unfamiliar to her. She has never felt this kind of danger in her life. Not after the soldier who tried to choke her in her own home.

With all her might, she tried to breathe through her mouth, she has to survive even a single minute of this encounter. She can't blurt out a single chant as she felt mute with this spirit.

"H--Help... Mehh..." her ghastly voice felt broken to her ears. As though she's been in so much pain.

Her eyes, moved around trying to figure out how else could she express her need for a rescue.

Soon, she took a step towards Yvette, her steps were bovine and to Yvette, it was paranormal torture.

She has to get out of this encounter as soon as she can or she may not survive.

The spirit now stood face to face with her. A striking smell invaded her senses and she could not figure out where she's smelled it before.

Then, out of nowhere, the distorted face spirit raised its hand slowly and touched her arms.

As soon as their skin touched, her eyes started turning all white. Her body started manipulating the energy coming from this encounter and soon set her in a state of numbness. Her mind has journeyed towards an unknown horizon.

She's traveled through the energy given to her and has witnessed a brutal and horrific feeling.

This is the second time she has gone through this same experience. Seemingly the fourth wall of her gift that she never expected of having and yet, she has no choice but to accept it.

For a good five minutes, she felt nothing, heard nothing, and saw no one in the physical world. Instead, her mind, body, and soul traveled through a paranormal universe, one she's not even ready to accept yet.

Then, slowly, as her journey ended, her body seemed to have rebooted. She felt her knees weaken as she fell on the cold wet asphalt.

She finally took small even breaths and touched her neck and her arms.

The distorted face spirit was no longer there. She felt her tears drop as the emotional roller coaster she's just been through retained in her mind. She felt every pain the spirit was feeling.

She was taken to the journey of how she died and she felt very overwhelmed by the epiphany she has just experienced. She curled down as she hugged her knees and continued to cry.

What she had just been through was another mystery she needed to figure out.

She sniffed as her nerves slowly calmed down. She's been alone her entire life, and this particular time is one of those times that she wishes she had someone who would be there to help her.

Yet, she could only wish for it. She knows how impossible it is for anyone to try and understand what she goes through in all of these encounters.

As she slowly stood up and recover, she dialed a number on her phone.

It was ringing as she wiped away her tears, took a deep breath, and try her hardest to sound fine as the person she's calling picked up the call.

"Darius, we have to meet. It's important." keeping my sob to myself,